> At 04.55 05/10/2007, you wrote:
>>tonix (Antonio Nati) wrote:
>>>MysSQL has now an hardcoded  timeout of eight hours.
>>>Courier uses it's authentication daemon with persistent attach to
>>>vpopmail/MySQL, it could be that during the night there are no
>>>requests, so MySQL connections are droppped (by MySQL).
>>I thought this was addressed in a recent version of vpopmail?
> Yes, but you see in the logs that some connections have been dropped.
> Tonino
Yep but wait a minute! if you have a machine in wich you only run qmail
for mail scanning or smtp relay, or even with qmail-pop3d you don't get
those aborted clients... but if you run there pop and imap with couier, so
the problem occurs when you use courier... if you don't use it... you
don't see any error... and both use vpopmail equally aren't they (courier
and qmail) ?

if you have for example qmail-smtpd with smtp auth only and of course
vpopmail you will never have that errors...

and you go to ask to courier and they say is a vpopmail question... but
vpopmail works fine with qmail-smtpd!!!

this was an important detail I forgot to tell yesterday...

could this give you any more clue???

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