
  I've asked about this before, and didn't get a lot of response, but licensing 
issues are turning out to be a major issue in our VCL pilot project, so I would 
be interested in talking to anyone who can share licensing details of software 
that is being provided to students in a VCL environment.

  We are finding that software vendors understand the VCL concept.  In general, 
licenses allow the software to run on university owned machines, so it's legal 
to run in a VM.  Where some vendors have problems is providing access to this 
software from student (or any machines not owned by the university) machines.  
Some vendors don't have a problem with this, but some tell us that this is not 
allowed.  It doesn't make a lot of sense to me - it's not a problem for a 
student to access the VCL from a university owned PC in a lab, but is a problem 
for the student to access the VCL from a machine owned by a student?

  The vendors would be happy to sell us additional licenses to allow us to 
allow students to access the VCL from the student's personal machine, but this 
would add a lot to the cost of a full scale VCL implementation, so we would 
like to learn more about licensing at other places that have implemented a VCL 
to check with what vendors are telling us.  If you have a licensing manager who 
would be willing to talk to our licensing manager, please send  me contact info.



David Woods, Ph. D

Assistant Director for Research Computing

347 Gaskill Hall

Miami University

(513) 529-1857


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