
> I'm pretty sure there are quite a few systems out there using
> FF DVB cards. I wonder why you are constantly arguing against
> them ;-)

I own an FF card for two reasons only: It offers better video quality on
a CRT TV and vdr (1.6) prefers it.

There are a few things to dislike about FF cards these days. To mention
just a few:

- expensive
- big! (a smaller vdr box would be nice)
- problems with QAM 256
- bandwidth problems (see Full TS Mod)

Not too long from now, I want to replace the CRT TV and with it, one of
my two reasons to use a FF card will be gone.

So yeah, it'd be nice to see vdr moving away from FF cards or
specialized hardware such as the eHD.

A generic (modern) graphics card should be enough and it should be
easier to setup for vdr.



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