Jimmy, Next time on the stream, strip with your left hand and let the line lay 
on the water, try controlling the line through your left hand and stay off the 
reel. See if that works for you. That is what I do. Actually I slip the line 
between  my index finger and the grip. The drag is controlled there and the 
left hand feeds the line. This may not be the right way of doing it but it 
works well for me.

--- On Fri, 11/20/09, Jimmy D. Moore <ray...@earthlink.net> wrote:

From: Jimmy D. Moore <ray...@earthlink.net>
Subject: [VFB] Reeling left-handed
To: "Virtual Fly Box" <vfb-mail@googlegroups.com>, "Fly Fishing World" 
<flyfishingwo...@yahoogroups.com>, "Hill Coountry Fly Fishers" 
Date: Friday, November 20, 2009, 11:09 AM

I'm right-handed and I've always
reeled right handed after changing the rod from right hand to left I know
that in the time it takes to change the rod from right hand to left hand
has cost me a fish or two, but try as I may, I just can't get the hang of
reeling left-handed.  I've had this trouble with my bait casting reel but
it doesn't seem to affect how quick I strike at a bass. 

I've sat at my tying bench with a reel attached to a reel seat held the handle
in my right hand and reeled left-handed until I'm blue in the face. After
about 5 minutes, reeling left-handed seems natural, BUT  . . . . when I get
on the stream and a fish takes, I fall back into the switching rod from right
to left hand and then reeling with my right hand.  

I'll try doubly hard to reel left-handed on the next fish, but even if I
don't make the switch, my reeling is an uncoordinated jerky motion.

Maybe I've just got a mental block.  Any suggestions will be appreciated.



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