"it never pays to over analyze a movie like this"
but i'll offer up a counter perspective.

why did the the characters go into
> an electronics store and not consider grabbing a couple extra tapes
> and batteries?

the electronics store scene came from one characters sole focus to get his
phone working so he could try to communicate with another character.
this relationship drove the story/path.  the character had zero interest in
getting equipped to document the devastation they were smothered in.
the character who was filming everything was originally only supposed to
film a going away party.
as the events unfolded, this character did realize the importance of the
footage but i am sure he also was not interested in getting more equipment
that would allow him to document more than he could with what he had (within
story, some unknown SSD camera) and would happily be rescued over further
gallivanting around a city under attack by a monster.

how they went 7 hours without having to change a battery.

not sure when the film is supposedly taking place.  was their a year
but a 7 hour batter is not too absurd.

personally, i could ask alot of questions and potential inaccuracies... but
screw that.
i thought it was fantastic.

their will undoubtedly be sequels and this was just an introduction to the
more details and plot would be added in future.

On Jan 27, 2008 12:03 PM, David S Kessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   i can't help thinking about these things. I know it's just supposed
> to be entertaining and it never pays to over analyze a movie like this
> but in this case wasn't the whole movie just a gimmick anyway? wasn't
> the whole thing just about how clever the filmmakers thought they were
> being? so if they were so clever, why did the the characters go into
> an electronics store and not consider grabbing a couple extra tapes
> and batteries? that's all they would have had to do to keep me from
> thinking about how this footage looks edited and how they went 7 hours
> without having to change a battery.
> but forget all of that. if they were so clever, how did they think
> they could get away with making a movie that supplants a plot for a
> gimmick. that's never a good idea!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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