> Asked a slightly different way - what's the difference? What's the
>  difference between someone's text-based words and someone's video-based
>  words? I'm thinking you should be able to "pull quotes" from both.

this would be my instinct as well.
But the newspaper/book industry welcomes others to quote from their
commercial work with attribution, so text bloggers had a positive
model to follow.

We videobloggers have Hollywood (MPAA) and the music industry (RIAA)
as examples for best practices.
They have spent millions making sure we know that any use of work is
piracy, illegal, walled garden, no.
So of course we seem to view our own video work this way.

But we dont have to.
I know many of us practice Creative Commons which is awesome.
But I think a community consensus for Fair Use when having
conversations/debate is important.


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