Titanium/Hematite combined catalyst for low temperatureJones--

Could impurities in the Ti or Ni FCC structure create a bigger 5 atom hole with 
a greater transition energy, particularly as changes from alpha to beta phases 
occur?  The correct impurities may allow for a higher reaction temperature for 
the LENR to go in SS mode.  Excess energy from phase transition of the coherent 
system may be all it takes to induce LENR reactions involving nuclide changes 
and excess energy.  In spite of “Coulomb Barriers”, the system may want to 
reach a more stable state with lower kinetic energy per nucleon and proceed to 
accomplish this goal.  

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene 
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 10:21 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Subject: [Vo]:Titanium/Hematite combined catalyst for low temperature

Titanium is an excellent proton conductor which was used as an active metal 
host early in the history of LENR and has recently turned up in reports of 
overunity from Russia/Ukraine. Iron-oxide, as hematite, has famously appeared 
(as Shell 105) as Holmlid’s preferred catalyst for hydrogen densification. 

The reason for this post is to propose an alternative to the Mills redundancy 
mechanism - suggesting that titanium, combined with Holmlid’s catalyst - could 
be a very efficient route to UDH in low temperature experiments (not the glow 
tube, or the laser experiments per se). Mills and Holmlid are closer, 
theoretically, than you might imagine and Mills landmark patent is set to 
expire in 10 months. 

Yet, the CQM entry for titanium shows it as becoming activated after losing 5 
valence electrons to open a catalytic hole at a whopping 190 eV. This is not 
feasible without a plasma – or so it would seem. Yet, Prof. John Dash stated 
(20 years ago) that titanium is more active for LENR than palladium in his cold 
experiments ! Izumida in 1990 published on Ti in the prestigious “Fusion 
Technology” and Kopecek and Dash saw “Excess heat and unexpected elements from 
electrolysis of heavy water with titanium cathodes” in 1996 and Bashkirov and  
Lipson, from Russia reported the same. Therefore, titanium LENR is not new, is 
active at low temperature, and success was seen in condensed matter 
(solid-phase) … if we assume that hydrogen must be absorbed into the cathode as 
a hydride. 

Since TiH2 is also an efficient way to get hydrogen into an experiment without 
plumbing – there is a simplicity advantage to using it, especially combined 
with other catalysts for faster “densification”. Mills generally chooses 3-6 
different catalysts working together. 

Titanium hydride has become a low-priced commodity material, at least from 
China (Alibaba). A kilogram of TiH2 can be had for about the price of a beer at 
a Giants game – and you get the metal loaded with hydrogen, fully embrittled, 
so to speak. And when some of the hydrogen is released from the hydride, a 
natural porosity is left.

Back to the CQM theory. The catalytic hole at 190 eV is next to impossible to 
achieve without a plasma, even as a transient state in the hottest glow tube, 
so it would seem that Mills’ theory is irrelevant… but, hold on … let’s 
consider a special type of multibody reaction that would only work at moderate 
temperature. Turns out that titanium has a first ionization potential at 6.8 eV 
which is a quarter of the Rydberg (Hartree) energy, and is the only transition 
metal to have such a value, meaning that on paper, four titanium atoms 
operating together would express an alternative to the Mills catalytic “hole.” 
Multibody reactions would be unlikely in gas or plasma phase, or at high 
temperature but in a FCC crystal structure with 14 atoms of Ti, we have a 
stable solid phase structure where it should be possible (on a regular basis - 
thousands of times per second) to have 4 electrons temporarily displaced - 
enough to create the required catalytic window- not as Mills suggests, but in 
an effective alternative so long as the hydrogen can be retained in the matrix 
(requiring low temperature). This multibody route can explain the comment of 
Dash that titanium is more active than palladium for gain.

A 5-body reaction in the solid phase of a crystal should not be written off as 
improbable, even if a 3 body reaction in the gas phase is admittedly 
improbable. AFAIK - Mills has never mentioned a route which depends on 4 
catalyst atoms each loosing 6.8 eV to arrive at the necessary 27.2 eV hole. 
Nevertheless, I think this could be viable as a route for first stage 
redundancy, happening at low temperature and would augment other catalysts 
which work at deeper levels of redundancy, particularly hematite.

The downside is that as a practical matter, such a low temperature device would 
only makes sense if it operates to produce UDH as a fuel which would be 
extracted and used elsewhere, with or without a laser. 

The largest problem involves the chemistry of iron oxide, with which the TiH 
would optimize and the fact that it is reactive even as an oxide. The 
combination of any active metal with iron oxide brings up so-called “thermite 
reaction.” This could happen with titanium instead of aluminum, but the trigger 
temperature would be greater and the chemical reaction would seem to be 
insignificant if the reactor is keep relatively cool.

In short – the features of using titanium hydride with hematite for more 
efficient densification, seem to favor using low power input to “manufacture” 
UDH in the first of a two-step process. The proof is in the pudding, and since 
Mills/BLP has not focused on this route in the past, there would need to be 
strong evidence as the presumption is that they missed it because it doesn’t 

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