Jones and Robin--

Rossi as said today on his blog that he uses Ti in his Quark-x device.

Bob Cook

-----Original Message----- From: Jones Beene
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 6:17 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Titanium/Hematite combined catalyst for low temperature

Hi Robin,

You misunderstand.

I am not trying to explain of validate Mills version of titanium as a
hydrino catalyst. He clearly got it wrong for this element, at least for
any parameters below plasma conditions. There is no way on earth that his
theory can explain the results I mentioned from Professor Dash and the
others, who found that Ti was more active than palladium in his experiments
which were at ambient. Of course, one could say that titanium was active for
another reason besides f/H but that goes against common sense. As does the
suggestion that Dash missed another active catalyst at work or that he was
doing "cold fusion" which automatically negates a fractional hydrogen

My effort was aimed at showing a possible way of using the most intuitive
part of Mills theory (the Rydberg/Hartree values) in a revised version, not
Mills version - which can show that titanium is indeed the one and only
catalyst which can work at the lowest possible temperature, due to its low
ionization multiple of the first electron. This is not anti-Mills so much as
it is Mills-inspired. It involves multibody reactions, as the tradeoff.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Titanium/Hematite combined catalyst for low temperature

In reply to  Jones Beene's message:
Back to the CQM theory. The catalytic hole at 190 eV is next to
impossible to achieve without a plasma, even as a transient state in the
hottest glow tube, so it would seem that Mills’ theory is irrelevant… but,
hold on … let’s consider a special type of multibody reaction that would
only work at moderate temperature. Turns out that titanium has a first
ionization potential at 6.8 eV which is a quarter of the Rydberg (Hartree)
energy, and is the only transition metal to have such a value, meaning that
on paper, four titanium atoms operating together would express an
alternative to the Mills catalytic “hole.” Multibody reactions would be
unlikely in gas or plasma phase, or at high temperature but in a FCC crystal
structure with 14 atoms of Ti, we have a stable solid phase structure where
it should be possible (on a regular basis - thousands of times per second)
to have 4 electrons temporarily displaced - enough to create the required
catalytic window- not as Mills suggests, but in an effective alternative so
long as the hydrogen can be retained in the matrix (requiring low
temperature). This multibody route can explain the comment of Dash that
titanium is more active than palladium for gain.

1) When metal atoms combine in a lattice the energy levels of the valence
electrons change, so they no longer add to 190 eV. You may have more luck
using the work function of the metal (which will be influenced by

2) The catalytic hole is an absorption hole, IOW Ti will accept 190 eV from
H as the H shrinks, with Ti losing the first 5 of it's electrons as a
result. It's as though the H "boils off" the Ti electrons.

3) Getting hold of atomic Ti may mean at least using Ti vapor. The boiling
point of Ti is 3287°C. Although alternatively you could use electrolysis
where Ti is formed from a salt at the cathode, one atom at a time. The
problem here however is that cathodes need to be conducting, i.e. usually
metallic so the newly minted Ti atoms are going to join the lattice,
implying a very short or even non-existent window for a shrinkage reaction
to take place. (Carbon cathode

4) The energy released by each H atom shrinking 7 levels in one go would be
856.674 eV, of which 190 eV is used to ionize the Ti (and later released as
the Ti reclaims it's missing electrons).

5) I suspect that the importance of Ti for LENR is more likely to be that it
is a spillover catalyst.


Robin van Spaandonk

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