
Do I understand that you have seen the actual test data and have determined 
that zero power in excess of the input is achieved?  This is a strong position 
that you are taking and should not be stated without absolute certainty.

I am waiting until I see the proof before drawing such a conclusion.  The 
evidence is looking bad for Rossi at the moment due to many of the facts you 
mention, but I need convincing.





-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Tue, May 17, 2016 9:33 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Validity of E-Cat 1 MW plant test

Daniel Rocha <> wrote:

I think it is pretty much obvious that I don't believe you. Or any of the other 
people here.

You have no reason to doubt me. You know that I have seen the data, and that I 
am capable of doing ordinary, elementary calorimetry. You know that Rossi and 
Penon said they would not allow anyone to see the customer machinery, so 
obviously they are either world-class idiots or frauds. Anyone who say "I won't 
let you see the machinery that uses this heat" has zero credibility, to 5 
significant decimal places. People who believed Rossi before should instantly 
disbelieve him, based on that statement alone. You do not even need to see all 
the other idiotic mistakes he made.

You have no information from Rossi about the calorimetry, other than the 
statement that he says he will not let people see the most critical aspect of 
it, and the most obvious proof of his claim. You have no reason to believe 
anything he says.

- Jed

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