This situation seems to be following the theory that the heat is generated 
throughout the volume of the material while it escapes through the surface area 
of that mass.  Volume varies as the cube of the linear dimension while surface 
area is proportional to the square.

With this thought in mind, adding more of the same material is going to lead to 
a higher internal temperature as long as a reaction is taking place inside a 
mass that generates heat.   This type of experiment might actually be the best 
means available to prove that LENR is taking place, assuming the dangers can be 





-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Fri, May 20, 2016 9:59 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Details of the Thermacore runaway in 1996

H LV <> wrote:

2.5 lbs of powered nickel offers a great deal of surface area for heat of 
adsorption. Also the nickel powder had been sitting in a vacuum before the 
hydrogen gas was added so this would further enhance the adsorption of hydrogen.

Yes. This is what I meant by "critical mass issue." Maybe I should call it 
"critical thermal mass."

The large mass may also enhance hydrogen adsorption, as noted. In other words, 
100 g of powder might absorb X amount, where 1000 g absorbs more than 10 times 

- Jed

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