Howdy Vorts,
Speaking of snowstorms and global warming. I decided the only way to get to the facts of the subject was to ask the guys playing poker at the Dime Box Saloon. Quietly slipping a card outa my boot as a distractive gesture, I asked the guy from Nada Texas what he thought about GW, he answered "nothing". the guy from North Zulch said.. " reckon " and the old man from over near Nechinitz just grunted and said.. Richard, "ya gonna play poker or talk all night".

So I reckon I'm lucky that Jed, Nick, Horace and Stephen are more talkative on the subject cuz about all I learned was that my full house of kings over Jacks lost to Nada's holding 5 kings which just shows people that play poker with a pinocle deck can wind up either confused or killed when gambling with loose cards or facts. Shouldn'a known it's a waste of time to talk about the weather or politics. One side note.. Ole Wright Patman sure did disagree with the Federal Reserve all those years trying to abolish them. Funny, by working at it, he hinda kept them a little honest. Look at what happened after Patman left office. The Fed and the SEC stole all the chickens outa the hen house.

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