At 10:26 AM 10/11/2011, Robert Lynn wrote:
Peristaltic pump NSF Model # CEP183-362N3 Serial # 060550065 Max output 12.0 liters/h Max press 1.50 bar

So it was a maximum of 12 l/hr during cool-down, and if we take Lewan's numbers as a ratio -- 6 l/hr when stable.
12l/hr gives a maximum transfer rate of 8.8 kW -- close to the peak 7.6 kW recorded on the secondary.
If you know what the frequency is (the large thumping noise in all the videos about every second or so) then you can tell what the maximum flow rate is because the pump is only capable of deliverting 2ml per stroke.

Somebody said 40 strokes a minute (it's audible in Lewan's video) ... which makes 1.33 g /sec (4.8 l/hr) - fairly close to Lewan's 0.9
And there's probably some back-pressure.

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