On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 10:19 AM, Ron Wormus <prot...@frii.com> wrote:

> Personally, I like the 18 hr water heating only run done in February.
> Seems good to me.

It's not a bit good.  Did you see the Youtube interview Krivit did with
Levi about this issue?  Levi has had since last February to repeat the test
but with proper records and calibrations that the original test lacked ...
and he has failed to do it.  Why do you think that is?

> I'd like the hard core skeptics (e.g. Mary, Joshua & Rich) to go away and
> leave us poor believers to our delusions.

Sort of like an ostrich hides their head in the sand when confronted with a
threat (admittedly apocryphal)?  What sort of interesting discussion can
you have when only one side is represented?

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