At 12:31 PM 4/5/2012, Daniel Rocha wrote:
BTW, this resembles the stuff Rossi claims to use...

I don't think so. However, sure. Maybe the band heater that Rossi uses is actually an IR source.

However, I'm not willing to base anything on anything from Rossi, until and unless it is independently confirmed. Thanks for the idea, though.

2012/4/5 Daniel Rocha <<>>
If you are not concerned with a narrow broad band, you could use a blackbody emission. According to Wien's displacement law, 14.8THz to 22.5THz,


gives 251K to 387K.

So, a resistive heater would give you the upper band and for the lower band, you'd need a Terahertz source:


Like this one:


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