Steven, I agree that it seems like an eternity will be required to get cold 
fusion into a useful state based upon the last year.  But I suspect that once 
it is generally accepted as real things will change rapidly.  At the moment 
most of us are the butt of jokes around the table of the major investment 
groups of the world but that will end.

Lets all push as hard as we can to get the main principals into the market as 
others will surely notice the vast sums of money to be made in this field.  
There will be plenty of space for many competitors.


-----Original Message-----
From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Sun, Jul 29, 2012 7:24 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Koch founded climate skeptic changes sides

>From Jed:
> Let us be honest and admit frankly that if cold fusion 
> succeeds, it will lead to creative destruction on a far
> larger scale. It will destroy the entire alternative energy
> sector -- solar and wind. Following that, it will destroy
> the conventional energy sector: oil, coal and nuclear. This
> will make trillions of dollars of infrastructure and
> investments useless, practically overnight. This will put
> millions of people out of work. That's what I am hoping for. 
> That's the best outcome. That is the down-side to cold
> fusion. It is dreadful, but the up-side has more benefits
> than the down-side has problems. We have to be cold and
> calculating. We also have to take steps to alleviate the
> human misery this will cause, as best we can. It is like
> deciding to invade Normandy in 1944, knowing full well that
> thousands will die and it will cause heartbreak that never
> heals.
Cold fusion, whatever the phenomenon will eventually be called, would appear to 
be a technologically disruptive event of enormous proportions. It would be a 
major event for the future of human civilization. I believe this has been a 
premise you have been predicting and have written about for quite a long time. 
Based on your desire to read a lot of fascinating history pertaining to the 
follies mankind has been responsible for instigating against Nature and against 
its own best self-interests, I'm sure you have done a lot of thinking and 
research on the matter of how disruptive Cold Fusion could possibly be.
Nevertheless, I'm going to disagree just a tad here and suggest Cold Fusion may 
not be as disruptive as you fear. We may be able to string it out just a tad. 
Yes, I most certainly agree that the technology will be disruptive - how could 
it not! ... However, based on how slow Rossi, DGT, and other unnamed 
competitors seem to be… trying to get their own dog-and-pony show on the road, 
I'm left with the suspicion that CF technology at present continues to be 
wrought with so complexity and ignorance that it's going to take a lot more 
time than most within the Collective would think is an appropriate amount of 
time. I predict some on this list, particularly enthusiastic newcomers, are 
going to simply lose patience and give up, claiming it's all just  a bunch of 
Granted I could be wrong. I've often been wrong in the past. However, based on 
how slow Rossi & co, DGT, and others seem to be puttering along, just trying to 
get out of the starting gate...
I remain hopeful that progress is being made. I want to be clear on that point. 
But we must learn patience. It's possible the shift towards a CF based energy 
technology may not end up happening that fast and/or disruptively.
Steven Vincent Johnson


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