>From Dave,




> Jojo has strong Christian beliefs that we all should respect.  I am

> sure there are other religions represented here that should be

> equally treated.


Just to be clear, it is not Jojo's religious beliefs that I am challenging. It 
is Jojo's inappropriate posting behavior that needs to be addressed.


Some time ago I realized I that had had enough of Mr. Jaro's philosophy on 
life. As others have already done I chose to route his email into my kill file. 
Nevertheless, I continue to get snippets of diatribes when others repeat 
portions of his text within their own replies. The latest conversation, this 
one concerning what I presume are hidden meanings behind the word "Allah", as 
discussed between Mr. Jaro and Mr. Lomax, seem to indicate that at least from 
Mr. Jaro's perspective there exists some unsavory meanings attributed to the 
name "Allah". However… I suspect the true meaning of "Allah" has very little to 
do with what is really upsetting Jojo, but I'll get to that later.


After pondering Lomax’s post I found myself wondering what would happen if I 
decided to perform some intentionally creative research of my own on the name 
of "Jojo". Eventually, I came up with a couple of definitions that suited my 
objectives of intentionally and with pre-thought, implying that the name "Jojo" 
could possibly mean something less respectful than that of a human being. It 
seems to me that if Jojo felt justified in casting doubt over the meanings of 
the word "Allah", then surely the name of "Jojo" ought to be fair game as well.


I proceeded to assemble a collection of "definitions" that I made sure anyone 
could readily go out to the Internet and confirm, as well as challenge. The 
point being, however creative or misleading my personal interpretations might 
have been, I didn't pluck the meanings & definitions completely out of my own 
ass. My exercise in name-definitions was to show how easy it is to assemble and 
misconstrue a collection of meanings attributed to a name. It was also to show 
how idiotic it can be to come up with a ridiculous bunch of misleading 


I suspected Jojo would not let my exercise of stand without comment so I made 
sure to watch for his response. Indeed, I found his response.


It was of little concern to me that I was called me a "retard". (I've been 
called worse, as has Mr. Obama.) What interested me was the fact that Mr. Jaro 
did not seem to pick up on the fact that my exercise was an attempt to show how 
moronic it is for anyone to assemble a bunch of definitions that had been 
blithely pulled out of the Internet in order to support a personally contrived 
meaning behind the name of "Jojo".


This may be a subtle point that some on this list may not have gotten, so let 
me once again clarify my objective.


I attempted to show how idiotic it would be for anyone to assemble a mish-mash 
of definitions in an effort to support one's personal pet definitions. I was 
deliberately played the role of an idiot in my previous reply to Mr. Lomax. It 
was intentional. But instead of Mr. Jaro picking up on my intentions, Jojo 
needed to personify me personally AS an idiot, or to use his definition: a 
"retard"... It would seem that from Mr. Jaro's POV a "retard", meaning me, 
doesn’t realize the fact that he has assembled a misconstrued mish-mash of 
misleading meanings. 


Ok... such a perception tells me a lot of things.


Since I suspect it's likely that Mr. Jaro will read this post I would like to 
make a couple of comments that I hope Mr. Jaro's will be able to hear. It comes 
from my heart:


Jojo, I do not question your intellectual development. It's possible your 
intellect and intelligence is much more developed than mine. It is your 
emotional development that I'm very concerned about. The last person I ran 
across who used the derogatory term "retard" to label another person was 
someone who was under the age of 10. I assume you are a lot older than a 10 
year old... (Well, I assume that's is the case, but who really knows.) With 
that said, much of your posting behavior indicates someone who appears to be 
emotionally arrested at an age under that of a 10 year old. That is a tragedy. 
It also angers me deeply because it is so unfair to you. It makes me suspect 
there were others in your life, probably certain "caretakers" who I suspect 
screwed with your emotional development during your upbringing. Perhaps some of 
them got off by diminishing your sense of self-image by constantly making you 
feel worthless. That kind of damage has now left you behaving in incredibly 
defensive ways as revealed in some of your posting behavior. You show such 
defensiveness such as by posting hollow bravado, and warnings not to cross 
certain lines of behavior, and by attempting to label me a "retard". Such 
learned behaviors appear to be the only way you've learned how to defend 
yourself or to get back at others you feel are hurting you.


Jojo, it is clear to me that you are a person in a lot of pain, though you 
probably don’t realize how much pain you are in. As God is my witness you do 
not deserve to be in such pain. But you have to want to do something about the 
pain you are in. It has to be your choice to leave it behind.


Under the circumstances the best recommendation I could give would be to find a 
men's group, a gathering of males, of peers that would finally give you the 
feedback you didn't get earlier in your life. It is your right to get what you 
didn't get earlier in your life. Considering your religious affiliations I 
would hope your church would be able to point you in the direction of a 
"Christian" oriented men's group. I suspect you would probably feel more 
comfortable participating in a religiously affiliated men’s group, but that’s 
just a guess on my part. Just so you know, I participated in a couple of men's 
groups for many years. It was one of the best things I did for myself. I wish 
the same for you.


Go in peace.



Steven Vincent Johnson




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