Ed, perhaps we are discussing the details in this case, but many times the 
details reveal an underlying behavior that offers important clues.  I believe 
that I have a good understanding of your assumed mechanism at this time since 
you did a good job of describing it.  The hot spot evidence suggests that more 
is going on than just simple addition of heat that is released throughout a 
wide region due to penetrating radiation.   The effect appears to be much more 
focused than what would be expected under those conditions.  Do you have an 
estimate of how far a typical X-Ray generated by your mechanism would penetrate 
before its energy is deposited?  I can not locate that information in the 
reports that you have written, but it is possible that I overlooked it some 
how.  I just recall several discussions with Horace about the distance that 
relatively low energy gammas would travel and the numbers implied that the heat 
would not be correlated to any significant degree around the local NAE in those 
cases.  It would take gamma energy of much less than 100 keV to be captured in 
the same device.  Ed, what energy level of X-Ray are you anticipating to be 
given off by your mechanism as each NAE allows fusion?  We should be able to 
take that estimate and figure out the penetration distance.

On the other hand, if you determine that direct local point heating is 
generated, then the process that I am envisioning would be active.  This would 
happen if for instance a kinetic kick is given to the metal surrounding the 
fusing D's and possibly to the Helium formed itself.  Some form of 
electromagnetic or mechanical coupling would achieve this result and I suspect 
that this is happening.  We tend to speak of this type of process as heat 
energy, but it is just local coupling that ends up dissipating in that form.   
These types of processes would likely demonstrate directivity since they form 
in a Newtonian manner.  There will be equal and opposite reactions when two 
bodies interact to conserve momentum and energy.

If it is assumed that there is no overall directed energy released and that it 
is indeed random as you imply, then the diffusing heat will propagate away from 
each active site in a radially symmetrical manner and influence its neighbors 
without a preferred direction.  This does not seem to be what is observed.  In 
the crater formations, a conic propagation appears to be in play.  I realize 
that these are rare and the hot spots are the main phenomena observed.  The 
supposition that gas generated at an interior site is adequate to cause a large 
crater to be blown out of the material is not proven and I suspect is not 
likely.  Do you have evidence that these conic plugs of blown out material are 
being projected at high velocity into the nearby experiment?  It seems far more 
likely that the cone of matter is heated to melting by a directed flow of heat 
of a conic form and then gently expelled by a moderate amount of internal 
pressure.   There is a large difference between these two processes.

Hot spot formation is most likely the main observation that strongly supports 
the local heating hypothesis.  Your penetrating radiation theory should not 
result in this type of behavior.   The X-Rays would travel too far before 
depositing their energy unless you now assume that the X-Rays themselves 
directly impact the additional release of energy by nearby NAE.  This has not 
been a part of you theory so far, but it would offer some of the desired 
characteristics.  These types of penetrating radiation have been known to 
initiate nuclear reactions before as in the hydrogen bomb case, so perhaps here 
as well.

Also, the lack of X-Rays being detected in the numbers required to explain the 
LENR energy release is a big problem.  Any release near the surface of the 
metal should result in penetration and external detection.  This is much like 
the problem that we all realize is faced by the W&L theory.   I think that any 
mechanism that relies upon gammas or X-Rays is going to be hard to justify.  If 
you can maneuver your theory to be restricted to the release of radiation that 
gets captured quickly such as UV or very low energy X-Rays, then all is well.  
This short range local conversion into heat would fit into my hypothesis quite 
well.   Then, the high temperature impulses would immediately influence the 
nearby NAE.  This close coupling would result in chain reactions and the 
corresponding hot spots.

All of the papers that I have read about your theories thus far have 
concentrated upon the local, single NAE environment.   That is of the utmost 
importance in our obtaining an explanation as to how LENR actually in initiated 
and represents an interesting hypothetical process as to the sequence of events 
leading to the ultimate goal of fusion.  I have extended that concept to the 
system level of behavior with my current hypothesis which can explain the hot 
spot as well as cratering phenomena using your individual reactions as a 
starting point.  I have brought the density of NAE into the equation in a way 
that allows for chain reactions to be explained which was lacking from the 
earlier discussions.

I consider this contribution as more than just nitpicking the details.  All of 
us need to operate as a team as we attempt to analyze the evidence before us.  
If we work together and realize that no one person is the sole innovator and 
ultimate source of ideas then the next few years should not be a repeat of the 
last decades and LENR will unravel before us.  So, lets all make an attempt to 
keep our minds open far enough to accept new ideas from sources beyond 
ourselves since it can not be known ahead of time what sparks will ignite a 


-----Original Message-----
From: Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Cc: Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>
Sent: Mon, Feb 25, 2013 12:15 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Explaining Cold fusion -IV

On Feb 24, 2013, at 6:23 PM, David Roberson wrote:

OK, I think I understand what you are describing after your detailed 
explanation.   Correct me if I am wrong, but it appears as though you are 
assuming that a random collection of individual events is leading to the crater 
formation and hot spots.  This is a possible cause and might indeed be the 
final explanation.  I see that you are still considering that the energy from 
each reaction is in the form of photons mainly which can penetrate fairly 
deeply into the metal.   The heat is released when the photons are absorbed at 
some remote location. 


That is what I remember you stating a few days ago.  I countered with a 
slightly different concept as I was discussing blue sky thinking.  I envision 
that the heat does not appear far removed from the reaction and therefore 
results in a large elevation to the temperature in the very nearby NAE.  On 
many occasions a random fusion occurs at one of your sites that does not cause 
adjacent sites to significantly accelerate their activity.  The probability of 
interaction instead is directly related to the density of NAE within the region 
according to my hypothesis.  I see now how this differs from your process since 
it appears that each of your reactions proceeds slowly and there would not be a 
large concentration of heat energy to diffuse.

I think we have a combination  of what you describe and my description. The 
photons are absorbed as they move from the source. The greatest heat is 
produced near the source with the energy release dropping off with distance.  
Consequently, some local heating will occur where the photon flux is greatest.


Do you think that the heating due to random addition of the events would be 
sufficient to cause the cratering and hot spots?  I am not sure about how many 
of these random happenings would have to be coincident for the release of 
sufficient heat energy to form one of those craters. 

The melted spots are rare. Most apparent craters are not from this cause, as I 
said. Most result from deposited impurities. 

 The appearance reminds me more of an explosion of some sort instead of a 
simple melting of the material. 

Please read:

Nagel, D., Characteristics and Energetics of Craters in LENR Experimental 
Materials J. Cond. Matter Nucl. Sci. 10. 1-14 (2013)

These craters you describe are from deposition of impurity.

  I suspect that a cone type shape does not originate from random melting of a 
bulk of material although I may be wrong.  And the dept of the initial cone tip 
seems out of range for liquid metal to originate.  These are the problems that 
I encounter when attempting to explain the size and shape of the end products.

You need to consider that several sources of apparent craters are possible. 


If you think of the reaction as being a form of chain reaction then the shapes 
make more sense.  There will generally be a single random triggered fusion 
reaction within the metal.   These must be occurring for the device to 
initially generate excess heat.  If, as I suspect, the adjacent NEA sites 
become triggered themselves then more heat is added to the mix.  An interesting 
observation comes to light.  Since the resulting structure has a cone shape, 
the suggestion becomes that the energy is released in that shape from each 
reaction.  This cone of energy spreads outward from initiation and encounters 
additional NAE in its path.  Many of these become triggered in some manner and 
the energy from them adds to the resulting cone shaped energy wave.  We would 
need to understand what process could lead to a cone shaped energy release if 
my hypothesis has any likelihood of success.

David, you are over thinking this process and ignoring much of what has to 
happen for any melting to occur.  Consider that a large number of cracks form 
in one place. The fusion is then controlled by how fast the D can get to this 
region, which is determined by temperature and concentration of D in the 
surrounding PdD. The cracks start to produce energy slowly and the local area 
heats up, as seen by the flashes measured by Szpak et. al. The local area gets 
hotter, the D diffuses more rapidly, and the flash rate increases while 
becoming more intense each time.  Finally, the flash creates a local 
temperature that exceeds the melting point of the alloy on the surface, which 
has a value significantly below that of Pd. This melting causes a sudden 
release of gas that blows the liquid away. Yes, the sites interact, but through 
local temperature and diffusion. Because this local region can be less than a 
square micron in size, the description has to take the conditions present on 
this scale into account. On this scale, the surface is very complex.


I need to consider how shaped charges behave to clarify my understanding of how 
my assumed process proceeds.  Someone in vortex my already have that knowledge 
and their input would be welcome.  Should I also look into the path that a high 
speed projectile takes when it penetrates a solid material?  The shockwave 
emanating from one of these tends to take the form of the craters.

Well Ed, I see that your current theory and my hypothesis do not quite merge 
together as a whole.  If there is a way to speed up your reactions and get them 
to cooperate with their neighbors then that might become possible.  

I see no basic difference. We are only nitpicking about details. 




-----Original Message-----
 From: Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>
 To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
 Cc: Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>
 Sent: Sun, Feb 24, 2013 6:40 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Explaining Cold fusion -IV
On Feb 24, 2013, at 3:06 PM, David Roberson wrote:

Ed, I have been looking at the craters that have formed upon the surface of 
some of the earlier active experiments.  Also, Axil supplied a fine link that 
demonstrated hot spots being formed upon the surface of another system.  I can 
run down the picture reference if you wish, but I suspect that you are aware of 
these from previous studies.  Let me know. 

 I have seem all of this information. 

The big question is whether or not a single fusion event is capable of doing 
this degree of damage and creating the relatively large heating associated with 
hot spots. 

Dave, I see no question here. A single event CAN NOT do any damage. This is 
easy to show. The melting occurs only when the random collection of active 
sites exceeds a critical concentration in a local region, as I explain in 
detail below. 
 It is well established that temperature does effect the LENR systems in a 
positive manner.  Elevated metal temperature is required to obtain any 
significant LENR and it is apparent that the higher the temperature of a device 
such as the ECAT, the more heat is produced.


My hypothesis can be proven wrong if it can be shown that there is no change in 
the quantity of energy released per larger event regardless of the density of 
NAE that are active in the material.  So, if all of the craters can be formed 
by one or at most a couple of simultaneous fusion reactions, or the amount of 
heat appearing at the hot spots is only due to one,  then each is unrelated.  
Here I refer to a fusion reaction as being due to the formation of one ash 
product instead of a chain of events due to the heating.

Does this suggest that you now accept the coupling hypothesis?   I recall that 
earlier you stated that each fusion event proceeded to completion and was not 
related to the others.  

I need to be more clear here.  Millions of suitable cracks are present in an 
active material. Each one of these cracks supports a series of fusion 
reactions. The process starts by D accumulating and forming the required 
structure in the crack. The structure resonates until all energy is lost and 
the He forms. The He diffuses away and is replaced by D, and the process 
repeats. The total cycle time might be a few seconds for each active site. The 
sites are cycling in random sequence and the total power is the average of them 
all. No single site can produce enough energy to make any local change or even 
to be detected.  However, if by random chance a large number of sites are close 
together, this can release enough power to cause melting when all the cycles in 
this area scrutinize to a sufficient amount. If this happens, all active sites 
in this region are destroyed and further energy production at this local region 

When I first mentioned this idea you did not express a positive opinion of its 
merits.  It is good that we can now agree that this might be happening and 
should be an addition to the original theory.

 My opinion was that I could see no benefit to using this process to explain 
anything - other than the explanation I had already imagined as I describe 

One thing that needs to be clarified is that I am not speaking of the average 
temperature of the metal matrix in this description.  That might be what you 
refer to as local.  I am addressing the instantaneous large spike that occurs 
and which diffuses into the average background temperature with time.  There is 
a large difference between the two.

 You need to realize that the energy is not felt by the system as heat until 
the photons are absorbed. Most of these photons leave the sample and make heat 
in the electrolyte or in the wall of the container. Very little is absorbed 
locally at the active crack.  As I said, the process of heat formation is 
complex.  The individual active sites only experience the ambient temperature.  
Local  temperature at each site will be slightly greater than the average, but 
not excessive unless the concentration of sites at that local area is very 

Is this clearer.


-----Original Message-----
 From: Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>
 To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
 Cc: Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>
 Sent: Sun, Feb 24, 2013 4:34 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Explaining Cold fusion -IV
 Dave, what behavior of LENR can only be explained by proposing coupling 
between the NAE sites? Of course, coupling is expected based on local 
temperature and a photon flux. What more do you propose? 

On Feb 24, 2013, at 2:26 PM, David Roberson wrote:


The net energy released by a single fusion reaction is measured in the MeV, not 
eV.  That is why I believe that there is a mutual interaction between 
individual NAE.  The local heat energy release is large and can not escape the 
area except through diffusion which is a slow process compared to the reaction 
time associated with nuclear effects.

This should behave much like raising the local temperature by many degrees 
Kelvin which should encourage reactions by nearby NAEs if we assume a positive 
temperature coefficient for LENR.

Ed's theory handles activity at a single NAE that he states will continue until 
completion.   My suggested addition is a system level coupling that will now 
explain other observations.  When an addition improves a theory, it should be 
incorporated into an improved one.  Now we can consider the behavior of a 
device exhibiting LENR as being composed of two different type of responses.  
The first is the original one where NAE generate copious amounts of energy as 
the elements within fuse.  The addition explains craters and hot spots which 
are hypothesized to be associated with the density of the NAE sites.

So far there has been no evidence that coupling does not exist between NAE and 
a couple of good examples that suggest that this is happening.  We should seek 
out unusual behavior that does not meet expected performance and attempt to 
explain the discrepancy.  Do you know of any evidence that coupling between 
active regions does not exist?

-----Original Message-----
 From: mixent <mix...@bigpond.com>
 To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
 Sent: Sun, Feb 24, 2013 1:59 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Explaining Cold fusion -IV
In reply to  Edmund Storms's message of Sun, 24 Feb 2013 11:26:37 -0700:
>You ask several questions at the same time.  The LENR process requires  
>energy to overcome a slight energy barrier present within the overall  
>process. Consequently, it has a positive temperature effect. In other  
>words, some energy is required to initiate each fusion event. Once  
>initiated, each fusion reaction goes on without any more help and  
>releases its energy.  Consequently, the initiation reaction will  
>become faster, the more energy that is applied in any form.  This  
>energy can take the form of increased temperature, laser light, RF or  
>any other source that can couple to the rate limiting reaction.  The  
>important information comes from identifying the rate limiting step so  
>that the extra energy can be applied more effectively. This requires a  

At the temperature increases common in LENR experiments, the amount of heat
energy added is only a tiny fraction of an eV. The theory that best matches this
is Hydrinos, because a tiny fraction of an eV is all that is needed to match the
difference in energy between the "energy hole" of Hydrinos, and the "energy
hole" provided by many common catalysts.


Robin van Spaandonk




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