I see what you refer to and this may be an important piece of the puzzle.  The 
main thing that concerns me is that we should be able to see the fast moving 
energetic particles outside the material.

Do you recall reports of high energy radiation emerging from the crater type 
regions or possibly hot spots?  If these are not measured then we would need an 
explanation as to why this is true.

Presently, I am attempting to see if it is possible to define away the problem 
by eliminating the high energy particles and replacing them with low energy 
ones.   If I recall the video that showed the hot spots was taken with a PdD 
system.   Perhaps the high energy alphas would be stopped easily by the 
electrolyte and not seen outside of the experiment.  Do you recall the 
penetration distance of an alpha under these conditions and is it likely for 
them to be produced but not be measured?

The cone shape of the crater fits well into the picture provided the triggering 
particle or process is not expected to escape and be detected.  If a kinetic 
wave(heat) is the trigger then it would not be expected to escape from the 
metal surface so external detection is not an issue.   I am suspicious that 
alphas would escape and be seen.


-----Original Message-----
From: mixent <mix...@bigpond.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Tue, Feb 26, 2013 12:39 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Explaining Cold fusion -IV

In reply to  David Roberson's message of Mon, 25 Feb 2013 23:01:17 -0500 (EST):
>If instead of a direct trigger by impact of the lower energy particle we 
upon the instantaneous elevated kinetic energy absorbed by the nearby sites 
it is important to understand why the momentum continues in the same general 
direction for new reactions.  It appears as if the momentum from the projectile 
particle is in the correct direction, so the reactions of the NAE sites appear 
to follow its lead.  We know that laser emissions are in sync with the incoming 
wave front, so perhaps this is true for other systems.  This concept need to be 
fleshed out.

You don't need this if fast particles are the trigger. As I said previously, the
natural branching will automatically lead to a cone shape, because more energy
is released at the end than at the start (more reactions at the end), and it
increases as it goes from start to end. The actual angle of the cone will depend
on how many new events an originating event triggers on average. If the number
is small, then you end up with a deep narrow cone. If large, then a wide shallow

Robin van Spaandonk



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