On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 3:45 AM,  <mix...@bigpond.com> wrote:
> In reply to  Harry Veeder's message of Mon, 25 Mar 2013 02:33:23 -0400:
>>This abstract seems to support your theory as long as the electron's
>>displacement is small relative to its size.
> This abstract appears to assume that radiation is always possible, whereas I
> think that it is only possible when h_bar change in angular momentum can 
> occur.
> In short I don't think they realize that Maxwell's equations are missing a
> constraint.

Here is the abstract:
A classical point electron radiates when it accelerates. However,
there are classical electron models with extended charge distributions
which can accelerate and/or deform without radiating. Can a model be
contrived that will undergo radiationless motion while accelerating
(on the average) over a distance large compared to its size? The
answer is no: we prove that the “center” of the electron is always
closer than the electron “diameter” to a fictitious point undergoing
constant-velocity motion, if the electron's motion is radiationless.

Yeah, I miss read it.

However, might the hbar arise because you overlooked the motion of the
proton in conserving angular momentum? The electron is not orbiting a
fixed point.


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