From: Eric Walker 


One implication appears to be that you would see 4He traveling twice as fast in 
a given direction near where a reaction has taken place than you would in 
normal d+d plasma fusion.


Let me emend that -- in d+d plasma fusion, you have the three branches:


1. d+d → 4He + ɣ (rare)

2. d+d → 3He + n (50 percent)

3. d+d → t + p (50 percent)


In (1), there is a 4He, and it is not traveling very quickly.  




One of the better hypotheses for deuterium reactions where helium-4 only is 
seen as ash is Takahashi’s tetrahedral condensate


Since you have two alphas carrying away the energy - and no gammas, this theory 
is cleaner than many of the others. As a condensate, he avoids the 4-particle 
reaction … kind of…

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