On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 5:23 PM, James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Axil, unless Simakin et al share your theory, it is not the experiment I
> am after.

Simakin does understand that nanoplasmonics can cause nuclear reactions.

> Even if they do share your theory, you are predicting particular nuclear
> products that must be discriminated from those that would arise from other
> processes and I see no indication that they performed the required
> measurements.

One of the characteristics of photo nuclear reactions is that this reaction
type usually occurs in even(protons) even(protons) elements.

Also photofusion should not produce radioactive isotopes.

> Furthermore, you are making bold claims about what we call LENR or "cold
> fusion" processes that are apparently producing large amounts of excess
> heat in commercial devices.

There is an important strength component of the EMF LENR causation.

> While Simakin's device may have some aspects that bear some resemblance to
> those devices, it is clearly not what most people would call "cold fusion"
> or "LENR" and it is clearly not producing anything like excess energy.

Excess energy is a quantity consideration, not a quality consideration. The
Ni/H reactor produces lots of excess heat because it has lots of reactions
going on per second.

A pinch of uranium may be fissioning and not produce measurable heat, but a
A-bomb produces lots of fission per nanosecond and it produces lots of
excess heat. It is a matter of quantity with the  quality being equal.

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