One of the tragic miscalculations made by spokespersons who attempt to
explain 'COLD FUSION' is the subconscious connection that they make between
current fusion/fission nuclear based technology and cold fusion. In fact
there is no connection.

This unfortunate connection between cold fusion and the nuclear industry
was mistakenly made very early on and has become a tradition in the cold
fusion community.

When addressing an audience with no background in cold fusion, it might be
best to decuple this technology conceptually from conventional nuclear

With this wisdom in mind, Defkalion has again changed the name of their
reaction from

Heat Energy from Nuclei Interactions


Heat Energy from Nanoplasmonics/Nanoexplosions Interactions

The name of our technology should have no links to existing scientific meme
to confuse the great unwashed masses being exposed to it for the first time.

This inaccurate meme connection through the words we use is unnecessarily
counterproductive from a propaganda and product positioning standpoint.

Our collective interests might be better served if we conform to the naming
conventions  that DGT is using whatever it is currently is since Rossi
lives in his own anti social world.

Low energy Nanoplasmonic reaction LENR might be good to use also.

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 9:31 AM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Frank Znidarsic suggested I enter this essay contest:
> "How Should Humanity Steer the Future?"
> Unfortunately, the contest judges are the editors of the Scientific
> American. I decided I might as well let them know we are still here, so I
> submitted an essay pointing out their ignorance. Here it is:
> - Jed

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