On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>wrote:

> What is gained by lying and then using a description that has no
> relationship to reality? LENR is a nuclear process.

LENR may be a vacuum energy based process which produce reaction products
similar to neutron mediated nuclear processes. Similar reaction product
production does not imply that these two processes are the same thing

> It might or it might not have any relationship to plasmonic reactions.

This is true, but only plasmonic reaction based processes will be viable in
marketplace. We should discount the other marginal reactions and
concentrate on the most robust reaction mechanism.

Any reaction that produces tritium is not consistent with JED's write-up
and is commercially and practically a non-starter. The NiH nanoplasmonic
reaction does not produce tritium.  This propensity to produce tritium is
another reason to discard the other useless reactions.

> The people who make decisions about what to fund are not children and they
> are not part of the unwashed masses.

This is why the real cause of LENR must be recognized and not have
incomplete theory confuse decision makers.

> Playing games with words will not work. It just makes us look dishonest
> and confused.

Understanding the fundamental cause of LENR is honest and using words that
properly describe LENR fundamental  is wise.


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