Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

What is gained by lying and then using a description that has no
> relationship to reality? LENR is a nuclear process. It might or it might
> not have any relationship to plasmonic reactions. The people who make
> decisions about what to fund are not children . . .

I agree. Plus, cold fusion might produce tritium or other radioactive
products, so it may actually have some problems with safety and disposal.

On the other hand, Axil has a point when he says the public is frighted by
nuclear power, and the association will be a problem. Someone responded to
my essay with this comment:

"All technology is destructive of natural resources. An overwhelming amount
of radio-active material would come into existence long before one of your
fission power stations could be brought on line."

This person did not read the essay carefully and does not understand the
difference between fission and fusion. Anyway, we will have to deal with
people like him, who react in this fashion.

- Jed

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