On 21/06/2011, at 8:45, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:

> Hi Pat,
>> I have checked everything in the Network setup - I can't see anything amiss.
> Ok thanks. The Netgear Wireless Network is working if the iPad is connecting 
> to it and you can access the internet and send & receive email on the iPad, 
> so something, or some setting is wrong on the MacPro
> On the MacPro in System Preferences > Network - Airport - Advanced - TCP/IP
> Do you have:  Configure IPv4: Using DHCP
> IPv4 Address: 192.168.0.x (x could be any number)
> Subnet Mask:
> Router:   
> Configure IPv6: Automatically
> Cheers,
> Ronni

Hi, Ronni,
Yes, it is exactly like that.


> On 21/06/2011, at 8:19 AM, Pat Scott wrote:
>> Hi, Ronni,
>> On 21/06/2011, at 7:58, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Pat,
>>> You can’t send or receive Mail if you are not connected to the Internet!
>> IiNet says they can see our network and it looks ok.
>>> Do you have an Airport Wireless Network or are you connecting by Ethernet 
>>> Cable?
>>> How does the MacPro normally connect to your Network, by Wi-Fi (Airport 
>>> Wireless Network) or via an Ethernet Cable?
>> The Mac Pro normally connects wirelessly by Wi-Fi (fairly new Netgear 
>> DGN2000 router).  I did try connecting with an ethernet cable, but this 
>> didn't work, either.
>> The iPad is connecting wirelessly to the same router, so the router is doing 
>> its proper job.
>>> Is the iPad connected to your Network by Wi-Fi or is it connected to a 3G 
>>> (Cellular Network)?
>>> Check your Network setup on the MacPro.
>> I have checked everything in the Network setup - I can't see anything amiss.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>> Thanks very much,
>> Pat
>>> On 20/06/2011, at 6:27 PM, Pat Scott wrote:
>>>> Thanks, Ronni and Ray.  The answer to Ray's question about disk space is 
>>>> that almost half of the disk is free.  And thanks very much, Frank, for 
>>>> getting my letter to the right place.  Sometimes the iPad can send mail, 
>>>> so I'm hoping this is one of those times....
>>>> On 20/06/2011, at 9:32, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Pat,
>>>>> Have you tried restarting your Modem / Router?
>>>>> Then see if you can connect to the Internet
>>>> Did that. The Mac Pro can't send or receive mail or connect to the 
>>>> Internet, and it cannot connect with the router (the iPad can connect).  I 
>>>> have quit and restarted everything many times.
>>>>> Is Mail asking for your “Login” Password, or the Mail Account’s Password?
>>>> No.
>>>>> If it is asking for your “Login” Password:
>>>>> Once you can connect to the Internet try this:
>>>>> 1. Open Keychain Access (within the Utilities folder inside the 
>>>>> Applications folder). 
>>>>> 2. Choose Keychain First Aid from the Keychain Access menu. 
>>>>> And in the resulting window enter your administratorʼs password, enable 
>>>>> the Verify option, and click Start. 
>>>>> With luck, some red entries will appear in the window, indicating that 
>>>>> thereʼs a problem with your keychain. 
>>>>> 3. Enable the Repair option and click Start. 
>>>>> With the same measure of luck, those keychain problems will be repaired 
>>>>> and Mail will no longer ask you for a password.
>>>>> If Mail is asking for the Mail Account’s Password:
>>>>> 1. Quit Mail Application
>>>>> 2. Open Keychain Access in Menu Bar at the top right 
>>>>>  (if it's not showing on the top Menu of the desktop) is in Applications 
>>>>> > Utilities > Keychain Access.app
>>>>> 3. Delete the Keychain entry for your Mail Account. To delete this entry:
>>>>> A)Under Keychains (left column) select ‘Login’
>>>>>     Under Category   (left column) select ‘Passwords’
>>>>>     Scroll down to  ‘mail.xxxxx.com’ (what ever your Mail Account is) 
>>>>> then ‘select it’ 
>>>>> B) With ‘mail.xxxxx.com’ selected (highlighted)
>>>>> Press ‘Delete’ on your keyboard
>>>>> C) Then in the resulting window “Are you sure you want to delete 
>>>>> “‘mail.xxxxx.com” from the login keychain?”
>>>>> Click ‘Delete’ 
>>>>> 4. Quit Keychain Access
>>>>> Keychain Access > Quit Keychain Access
>>>>> 5. Then Open Mail and it will ask for your Password.
>>>>> enter your correct password  and make sure you have selected (ticked) 
>>>>> “Remember this password in my Keychain”
>>>>> You should now be able to download your email, Keychain access will do 
>>>>> the email password in the “background”.
>>>>> You should not receive that message again.
>>>>> ------
>>>>> If it continues to, you could try deleting and recreating the account. 
>>>>> 1. Before you do that, select the account in Mailʼs Mailboxes list, hold 
>>>>> down the Control key, and click on the accountʼs Inbox. 
>>>>> 2. Choose Archive Mailbox from the menu that appears and choose a place 
>>>>> to save your archive when prompted. 
>>>>> Doing this ensures that the messages for the account arenʼt completely 
>>>>> vaporized when you delete the account. 
>>>>> Do the same for the accountʼs Sent messages & any other Mailboxes you 
>>>>> might have.
>>>>> 3. Go to Mail -> Preferences -> Accounts, select the troublesome account 
>>>>> in the Accounts list, and click the Minus (–) button to delete the 
>>>>> account. 
>>>>> 4. Click the Plus (+) button and recreate the account.
>>>> Keychain seems to be working properly again - I didn't do anything to it.
>>>> I archived the Mailboxes then deleted and recreated the accounts. (first I 
>>>> rang up iiNet again and confirmed the details of the mail accounts).  
>>>> Still no success.  IiNet confirmed that our system was online.  The 
>>>> inescapable conclusion, I think, is that something in the Mac Pro is at 
>>>> fault.  Mail is definitely behaving strangely - I have had to force quit 
>>>> it several times.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ronni
>>>>> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
>>>>> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
>>>>> OS X 10.6.7 Snow Leopard
>>>>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
>>>> Are there any preferences that might be useful to delete?  Anything I 
>>>> might restore from backup?  Any more ideas? (Hope, hope).
>>>> Pat
>>>>> On 20/06/2011, at 8:48 AM, Frank Salleo wrote:
>>>>>> A message from Pat Scott
>>>>>> To WAMUG,
>>>>>> I'm having a very bad day.  It started by  not being able to access the
>>>>>> internet.  Had a long chat with iiNet and established there is nothing
>>>>>> wrong with our connection.
>>>>>> Second problem - in checking Mail accounts, I opened Keychain.  It gave
>>>>>> me the first 2 passwords with no argument, then suddenly, it demanded my
>>>>>> keychain password and refused to accept it.
>>>>>> So I tried using the iPad.  At first, it connected to both the internet
>>>>>> and Mail, but now it seems to have caught the infection, whatever it is,
>>>>>> and no longer will connect.  It puts up the message 'Incorrect username
>>>>>> or password'.
>>>>>> Then I got out an old Mac laptop that had been in retirement.  Exactly
>>>>>> the same thing happened - at first, it would connect with the internet,
>>>>>> and I began composing this letter.  Then things got strange again, and
>>>>>> it no longer connects.  I will transfer the letter to a text file and
>>>>>> transport it by Flash Disk to my husband's PC and try to sent it.
>>>>>> So the problem seems to originate with the 3-year old Intel Mac Pro,
>>>>>> dual 3.2GHz Quad Core, 16 GB RAM running OS 10.6.7.  I repaired
>>>>>> Permissions, but can't think of anything else useful to do.
>>>>>> Suggestions will be gratefully received!
>>>>>> Pat
>>>>>> ------ End of Forwarded Message
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