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> In a message dated 12/8/01 4:20:20 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
> --------------------------------
>  --Renameing is common in all political partys. Liberal economy is at the 
> moment (or has at least reasently) been forwarded as the good and final goal 
> for the world trade and affairs. To call it by it's right name, economic 
> anarcy for the big corporations, as it can and very well is expected by the 
> big corporations to develop to, would not make it popular in the eyes of the 
> public. >>
> ___________________________________
> Just because something is common doesn't make it right. And it sounds like 
> you're in favor of renaming things so the public can be deceived ... Tsk! Tsk!
> LG

--Where does this thing "common" come in? To rename things and actions in order to 
hide the real nature of it is to deceive the public!

§( :8-)

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