I am a developer. We use rWebUnit (extension of Watir) and iTest2 IDE
for our acceptance testing.
We classified test scripts into two parts:
  * high level test cases: written (and reviewed) by  Business
Analysts & Testers (who do not have programming skills)
  * web page classes and support functions: implemented by developers
And it does need close cooperation between BA/testers and developers.
It actually worked quite well for us.

Example test case:

story "Login" do
  home_page = login_as("tester")
  home_page.click_radio_option("marriage", "Single")
  home_page.assert_question_hidden("How many children do you have?")

Example page class:  home_page.rb

@@question_lookups = { "How many children do you have?" => 2 }

def assert_question_hidden(question)
  elem = browser.row(:id, "row#{@@question_lookups[question]}")
  assert(elem.visible? == false, "question #{question} invisible")

Zhimin Zhan
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