Hi Gary,

Thanks so much for your response! I'll admit, I'm very lost.

I have done some minor customization to templates and have some basic 
Python knowledge, but I'm not understanding the steps in your very detailed 
message (thanks again!)

Perhaps harnessing the loop packets is the way to go, since I'd love to 
display the data in a "rapid-fire" manner, similar to Wunderground's very 
frequent updates.

How do I go about accessing those and spitting it into JSON format?


On Saturday, February 10, 2018 at 2:33:26 AM UTC-5, gjr80 wrote:
> Hi,
> WeeWX reports can be run at multiples of your archive interval but they 
> cannot be run any more frequent than the archive interval. If you want 
> weeWX to do something more frequent than the archive interval then you need 
> write a custom service to do what you want (in your case generate some 
> output).
> I am not sure of your understanding of weeWX' inner workings or your 
> python knowledge so my apologies if I am explaining what you already know. 
> It is fairly trivial to create a custom service that is tied to the 'loop 
> interval' of your station (refer to Loop packets 
> <http://weewx.com/docs/customizing.htm#LOOP_packets> in the Customization 
> Guide if you don't know about loop packets and their interval). When you 
> write a custom service you lose a lot of the conveneince functions that 
> come with the weeWX report engine (the ability to use tags and the 
> associated aggregation, formatting and conversion abilities) so you need to 
> do a lot of the data gathering, processing, formatting and output yourself. 
> If you have a basic understanding of python you should be able to work your 
> way through some examples and ultimately create your own. A lot of the 
> functions you need to access data within weeWX already exist in the weeWX 
> API, its mainly the working out what you want, producing your output and 
> handling the corner cases (ie dealing with None values) that take up your 
> time.
> If you are still keen, Customizing the weeWX service engine 
> <http://weewx.com/docs/customizing.htm#service_engine> in the 
> Customization Guide has some basic examples. One you get a feel for things 
> you can dive into some more advanced services that do a similar thing to 
> what you want to do. The crt extension 
> <https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/crt> implements a loop based service 
> that does something similar to what you want to do. Also the realtime 
> gauge-data extension <https://github.com/gjr80/weewx-realtime_gauge-data> 
> does a similar thing to the crt extension but it produces a JSON format 
> file to drive the SteelSeries weather gauges.
> Hope that helps and don't be afraid to ask if you don't understand.
> Gary
> On Saturday, 10 February 2018 13:35:33 UTC+10, A.J. Burnett wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> I'm producing a simple JSON report using weeWX, in addition to all my 
>> other reports. I'd like to keep the interval I'm currently using for 
>> everything, but I want to fire off the JSON report every 5-10 seconds, if 
>> possible. Can anyone recommend where I can achieve this, if it's even 
>> possible?
>> Thank you!

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