I don't think there is anything to fear at all and I am also not sad to see
the encyclopedias go the way of LP's. Goodbye and good riddance. I have
always been addicted to reading and get annoyed in the bus when it moves
too fast for me to read something I see outside somewhere. As a child I
always read the encyclopedia entries before and after the one I was looking
up. Big time-waster. Today I am a huge fan of CTL-F (or Apple-F for you
apple-eaters). In this film they look up the entry on reading which
apparently has many meanings. When I look it up in the 1911 encyclopedia
today I only see one entry (for a place, not the activity). On the English
Wikipedia, this is a rather long disambiguation page today. The information
found there is not something that big media and publishing companies put
there - it is the result of lots of humble wikipedian-worker-bees over the
course of several years. Off the top of my head just glancing at the list I
feel certain it is far from complete (where's poetry reading?). Wikipedia
is here to stay, long live Wikipedia!


On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 10:28 AM, Emilio J. Rodríguez-Posada <
emi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It is interesting to see the reactions, but it just shows the change in how
> information is saved, disseminated and consumed, from analog to digital
> medium.
> I am more worried about how many encyclopedias have closed in the last
> years. We are moving to a world where Wikipedia is the de facto
> encyclopedia. This have evolved faster than the concentration of media
> ownership,[1] and it is dangerous in my opinion. Furthermore, references
> are links to published works, and who decides what is published or not? The
> big media and publishing companies.
> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concentration_of_media_ownership
> 2015-07-14 22:22 GMT+02:00 Renata St <renataw...@gmail.com>:
> > Hi.
> >
> > So I saw this YouTube video yesterday about kids reacting to printed
> > encyclopedia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7aJ3xaDMuM&noredirect=1
> >
> > It made me sad. And very fearful of the future of Wikipedia.
> >
> > These kids do not appreciate knowledge and information because they grew
> up
> > with its abundance. When I was growing up (and I am only 30), printed
> > encyclopedia was the only research tool. These kids will never know the
> > frustration when you tried looking something up in those dusty volumes
> only
> > to find minimal information ("stub") or, worse yet, nothing on the topic.
> > And the nagging feeling it left you with because your curiosity was not
> > satisfied and you thirsted for more, but there was nothing else! And so
> > when Wikipedia came around it was this wondrous thing where information
> was
> > seemingly limitless and endless. And it was expanding at dizzying speeds.
> > And you could add more! It was the answer to my childhood fantasy of
> having
> > the limitless encyclopedia that answered every questions. And it filed my
> > heart with joy and satisfaction not unlike the joy of a child in candy
> > story (yes, I am a geek).
> >
> > Those kids never deprived of knowledge and information will never know
> how
> > precious it is. They will not have the same love that is required to edit
> > Wikipedia and write quality articles. And it makes me sad.
> >
> > Renata
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