Hi, thank you for your feedback about Wikimedia Space.

So far, there have been many comments focusing on _who_ has released _what_
and _how_. Let me tell you _why_ we are proposing Wikimedia Space. People
agreeing on _why_ can agree on the rest way easier.

Wikimedia Space is all about Wikimedia growth. If you are supporting
newcomers or you are contributing to the growth of the Wikimedia movement
in other ways, we are very interested in your opinions, your suggestions,
your needs. And we are especially interested in hearing from you if you are
a promoter of movement diversity and/or part of any kind of group
underrepresented in Wikimedia.

Why Wikimedia Space, in more detail:

From the Wikimedia movement strategic direction -

* Knowledge equity

From the Wikimedia Foundation medium-term plan -

* Grow participation globally, focusing on emerging markets
* Thriving movement
* Support to newcomers
* Strong, diverse, and innovative communities that represent the World
* Strong and empowered movement leaders and affiliates
* Safe, secure spaces and equitable, efficient processes for all

I hope this explains our _why_. About some of the points mentioned...

Wikimedia Space is a proposal to the movement in the form of a prototype
We believe it will generate interest, feedback, criticism and contributions
in a number of ways that a text-only proposal in (say) Meta Wiki wouldn't

For instance, while we discuss here in a black & white and text-only
environment, more than 60 colorful users have signed up already and
Wikimedia Space and are getting their own impressions about it.
https://discuss-space.wmflabs.org/u .

Or for instance, several event organizers just signed up and added their
event to the Wikimedia Space map, which, if you ask me, after just one day
already looks fresh, beautiful and interesting:

We are happy to discuss possibilities for connection / integration /
migration between Wikimedia Space and existing community channels. As a
matter of fact, wikimedia-l could potentially benefit from the features
offered by Wikimedia Space (a conversation started in this list by
volunteers years ago):

Wikimedia Space doesn't prevent improvements in Meta or other places. If
anything, we believe it will become an incentive for improvements in all
community channels willing to keep up. In our opinion, potential
improvements in Meta shouldn't prevent the release of Wikimedia Space. What
you see today is the result of about three weeks of part time work by four
people. Now consider how much time would it take to discuss, agree,
resource and implement an equivalent feature set in MediaWiki, and (just as
important) equivalent social expectations and norms in the Meta community.

We are just starting to promote Wikimedia Space. Yesterday we did an
initial announcement to get a first wave of users, see how the prototype
would take hold, and gauge the initial response. We plan to continue
promoting Wikimedia Space in more channels. In fact, you can help. If there
is a channel missing, please point to its URL, or (even better) feel free
to forward the announcement yourself.

If you have found an actionable problem, we welcome bug reports and feature
requests: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/space/

We encourage you to give Wikimedia Space a try. Even if today someone
remains unconvinced, signing up won't hurt them. Then give it a week, and
let us know. We really mean it! Prototypes always contribute to better

Best regards,
Quim Gil
Senior Manager of Community Relations @ Wikimedia Foundation
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