Le mer 25/02/09 11:55, "Michael Bimmler" mbimm...@gmail.com a écrit:
> > This is not really great to speak about this topic
> again this year... but what I can say is that this decision to make a
> member only wiki was by Wikimedia France a good one an the most efficient
> to help members to work with each other (i.e. not only board members are
> doing something).
> That's a good point. But then, why can't this collaboration happen on
> http://www.wikimedia.ch?  Why do we need an
> access-restricted memberswiki for that, as long as it doesn't involve 
> confidential
> information?

Because between high-confidential (board available only) and world-wide public 
infos, they are a bunch of middle cases.

This is a list of such topics  inspired from the french member wiki "recent 
* List of people ready to make fotos (with private informations, to be 
sponsored by Wikimedia France)
* Multiple discussion about the next general assembly (attending list, rules 
change proposition, board candidatures, etc...)
* Personal pages with personal informations (tel, region, etc) to simplify 
collaboration between members
* Multiple informations about the last foundraising and discussions about the 
future one
* Project with possible partner evaluations
* Montly IRC meeting logs
* Voting page about another project proposition
* Organisation of a meeting with lot of details about it
* Annual report draft

... in my opinion much of these cases can not take place in our wiki.


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