In the "concert" track, the season is going to open for accrediations.
We could target:

- Paleo
- The Eurockéennes de Belfort (accreds. to be asked mid-April)
- Ballelec in Lausane
- A number of events in Zurich that I've seen advertised in post
offices (Iran Maiden, Slipknot and that sort of things). We should see
whether we have people in Zurich who can so that or at least host the
photo squad for the night.

Cheers !
 -- Rama

On 06/04/2011, Nico Ray <> wrote:
> Goran Bezina for me please...
> Le 6 avr. 2011 à 19:42, "Mourad Ben Abdallah"
> <> a écrit :
>> Excellent!
>> Mourad
>> Le 6/4/2011, "Ludovic Péron" <> a écrit:
>>> Hello,
>>> Fanny and I have obtained two pass-press for the hockey game in Fribourg,
>>> this friday. Switzerland-Russia.
>>> We will do nice pictures of these two teams.
>>> Ludovic
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