On 20/06/2012 14:40, Manuel Schneider wrote:
> Several things on that list actually deal with structures and also
> belong to the staff and strategies session.
> Communication, transperency and membership management will improve
> greatly once we have launched CiviCRM (I am already working on this) and
> have our two french- and german-speaking community managers whose task
> it will be to communicate between communities, board and members and
> ensure information flow between the languages. I am really looking
> forward to see this happen because I feel that this is the biggest
> bottleneck we have and I think that we finally have a good solution at
> hand. Once this has been started we can moved forward with projects.

YES. I'm really impatient to see first version of civiCRM running at
WMCH, hope to get more information about that during the GA!


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