Thanks Michael!

4. About page protection
We have a wiki. A wiki means everybody can edit, at Wikimedia CH only
people logged in.
But, there are 2 reasons which are imho pro blocking some pages:
a), which is redirecting to our wiki, is mentioned at
the bottom of the Weltwoche article about "us" and therefore people of
the public might surf to our website. We don't really want them to see
some vandalism at the first page, the main page, do we? So therefore I
blocked the main page.
b) the german bylaws have been approved by the meeting. They are
definitive and are also base of the translations. Therefore I blocked
them, because it needs to be ensured, that people know, that this is
the stable version. I once thought of blocking en-translation too,
because they are now reviewed by ChapCom, so there must be a stable
version too. However I didn't protect them then, because we might want
to correct typing mistakes et al. The other translations are
unprotected at the moment.
c)The resolutions are quite official documents. As they are now under
discussion, I wanted that everybody sees the version we, Nando and I,
decided on, to ensure that everybody is speaking about the same thing.

In the future, we could mark the resolutions as draft and keep them open until they are discussed on this mailinglist. What do you think?


Nando Stöcklin
Chratzernstr. 33
4803 Vordemwald
0041 (0)62 751 39 42 (P)

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