On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 7:18 PM, Ashwin Baindur <ashwin.bain...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I fully agree with Vicram and others who feel its only fair that we give
> the new organisation a chance to do good and succeed.
> Dhaval & Aravind, you are both right & wrong. You are right that large
> parts of the India Program's strategic decisions went wrong and should bear
> the major blame for the organisation's failure, but it is equally true in
> the debate which followed, no matter how justifiable, a lot of negative
> energy entered the atmosphere, making things difficult and disheartening
> for anyone who wanted to work sincerely. I'm sure I must contributed some
> of that negative energy myself too. So without trying to blame anyone, what
> Ravi said was essentially true also.

Dear Ashwin,

There are 2 separate issues here . Please address them seperately

1. Blaming community for the organizational management failures of WMF
India program

 (read Ravi once gain  : "Indian Wikimedia office was burnt out precisely
because of this negative approach from the community." , and a WMF Board
member giving +100 to that) .  When you are working on an accountable
position in front of a community there will be questions and critiques
always. This is a usual phenomenon . Blaming the community for the
organizational failures of WMF India team is not the solution for that .
Ravisankar and Bishakha have a moral responsibility to explain this
critique, since this is different from whatever WMF told us so far . I hope
they will respond  and close this thread

2.  CIS A2K team.

I have hope in this program and I wish them all success. Also seconds all
points raised by Ashwin and extending my support to the team.

~ Regards
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