On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 8:45 PM, Theo10011 <de10...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 3) I am still curious about some of the relationships here. As far as I
> know achal still serves on your board? because I have a distinct memory of
> there being some association here. He also still serves on the Advisory
> board of WMF and had a lot to do with selecting Bishakha. He was also a
> fellow for WMF, some time after the start of the India programs.
> Since there are probably many people on this list who are not familiar
with the process of recruiting 'appointed' trustees to the WMF board, it's
best I provide some information here. By way of background, please see this
page to understand the composition of board members and how they are
selected: http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Board_of_Trustees

In my case, the process began with Achal giving my name to the Nominations
Committee, after which I went through the following steps (as did other
candidates, although I don't know who they were or are):

-A phone interview with a headhunter or recruitment firm

-In-person interviews at the WMF office in San Francisco with three board
members (Michael Snow, then board chair; Kat Walsh; Stu West) and the
executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation, Sue Gardner

-Skype interview with board member Jimmy Wales

I was then invited to be on the WMF board in March 2010. I remember this
process well, since even though I serve on other non-profit boards, I had
never gone through such an extensive and rigorous selection process before

The board positions are unpaid; all of us serve in a volunteer capacity.

Best and hope this throws some light on the WMF trustee selection process.
Just so people know, there is currently a vacancy on the board and another
search process is underway.

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