Dear Theo,

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 8:45 PM, Theo10011 <> wrote:
> 1) I can't seem to understand the rationale behind hiring academicians here
> at all.

There was no rationale behind hiring academics. It just happens that
two of the three people that the recruitment committee selected turned
out to be academics. The other finalist was not an academic.

>  Your organization chose researchers and academicians but the job
> requirement was and is, for a management person to oversee and direct a
> team.

We did not choose. The recruitment committee chose.

> I don't think either of the candidates present that kind of expertise.
> Their field of reference is narrow to begin with, limited to the discipline
> of their speciality, add to that how little exposure they have to Wikipedia
> or similar online culture - this doesn't sound like remotely a good fit. -
> this fact was actually the first point that made me think other interests
> were put ahead of the Job requirements.

We did not have enough Wikipedians applying. I am sure the Recruitment
Committee would have gone with a Wikipedian if there had been enough
applications from the community.

I have been a Free Software activist for the last 10 years. I have
contributed to national policy formulation and practice w.r.t. Free
Software, Open Standards and Open Content in multiple countries
including Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Moldova and Tajikistan. But I have never
submitted a line of code to any Free Software project. Similarly, I
believe that those who don't edit Wikipedia can also make significant
contributions to the Wikipedia movement.

Best wishes,


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