> Being a member of a company (and in future a member of a charity)
> will bring a certain responsibility, which some may find is not what
> they want.

Technical point: Wiki UK Ltd. is a charity now - a charity is defined
as a non-profit company with charitable objects. Registration is not
required to be a charity, just to be a "registered charity". That's
not important, though.

I agree people should have the option of supporting us without the
responsibility (however small) that goes along with membership of a
company, however it should be up to them, not anyone else.

> A company with 1,000 members will be hard to manage. However, a
> company with 100 members and 1,000 friends will be much easier to
> keep running.

I don't see anything particularly hard to manage with a 1000 members
company. Most people won't attend the AGMs and will vote by proxy. If
a significant number do attend the AGM then it would need to be run a
little more formally, a show of hands isn't likely to work for
anything but the most uncontroversial resolutions, but that's not too
difficult. I don't see how you can disenfranchise 90% of the
membership just for convenience, it goes completely against the
democratic ideals of the chapter.

> I believe most people would want to be a "friend" rather than a
> "member", and I mean "member" in the technical sense of "guarantor
> member".

At this point, you're just guessing. The lists of people interested in
being guarantor and supporting members were pretty similar in length.

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