Gregory Maxwell<> wrote:

> For the moment there is also a technical problem with Safari 4: It
> claims (via the canPlayType() call) that it can't support Ogg even
> when XiphQT is installed.  We currently work around this by detecting
> the mime-type registration which happens as part of the XiphQT
> installation.  In practice this means that Safari 4 will work with Ogg
> video on sites using OggHandler, but not on many others.

Oh yes, I forgot that bug.

Until Apple release the fix for that, there's nothing to do but feed
'em Cortado and strongly suggest Firefox.

> Safari also isn't an especially widely adopted browser outside of
> apple systems. Should we also recommend the dozens of oddball free
> geko and webkit based browsers supporting <video/> which are soon to
> exist?   Flooding the users with options is a good way to turn them
> off. There is already at least one (Midori).

Link to a page? "The Wikimedia Foundation has worked closely with the
Mozilla Foundation on Firefox 3.5. The following will also work ..."

- d.

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