Hi Brad,

The radio will auto modulate down from mod level 8 to 1 when faced with interference. They won't stop transmitting when interference is present however. They do work like any radio out there, two way radio, Ip radios, Trango radios all need a specific C/I ratio to run correctly. I don't know that I can "properly" engineer a Trango, Alvarion, or Redline link to cope with future unknown interference. Sure, big antennas, tight beams, and strong C/I ratios is the way to go but is it enough? Most of the time probably. So we engineer our links to be as resiliant as possible, but when somebody points that 4 foot dish down our throat I want a radio that will drop mod levels and cope with it, albeit at a reduced speed rather than one that only has 1 speed. I thought Trango added mod levels to their 5.8 product to help cope. Is that true or did it not get built?

Merry Christmas!


At 03:26 PM 12/22/2006, you wrote:
Wow back at ya there, Mike!  <grin>

Never said the product was less in quality in any form.  Simply stating the
gear doesn't perform well under load in unfriendly RF environments.
Alvarion Techs themselves acknowledge the radios back off modulation speeds
in the face of noise.  Do you know something they don't?  Please share, I'd
love to begin re-deploying VL if I knew it wouldn't cower in the face of

Trango on the other hand has a RX threshold that will enable the radio to
continue to perform at its published rates regardless of the RF environment
if the link is engineered correctly.

Best and Merry Christmas!


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Mike Cowan
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 2:16 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: RE: [WISPA] Alvarion Comnet Radios have arrived

Wow Brad,

With as long as you have been at this and the knowledge level you
have I am surprised you could be so far off the mark on this one.  VL
does automodulate and has better RF characteristics than their
hoppers did.  It won't backoff and die when presented with noise and
will still transmit.  It is THE business class product
IMHO.  Alvarion is making an effort to reach out to the WISP market
by making this radio available at this reduced price.  It is the
exact same radio that normally costs more.  They are trying to
empower the WISP to use quality gear.  To say the gears quality has
gone down, hence a lower price is simply not true.

Mike Cowan

At 02:11 PM 12/22/2006, you wrote:
>Hello Marlon,
>VL won't be a good choice as a committed rate business grade product as it
>will modulate down in a noisy environment.  Without any RX threshold
>mechanism the VL radio begins to slow and drop packets under heavy business
>class loads in unfriendly RF environments.  Even the references given to me
>by Alvarion while overall have been happy with the product are not using VL
>for committed rate business class service.  IMO, Alvarion is now pushing
>VL product as a residential "best effort" solution...hence the dramatic
>in price.
>In Patrick's words:
>"A $285 all inclusive CPE with nothing extra to buy, piece together, etc.
>should fall within the residential business model of even small WISPs."
>We've been there and almost lost a valuable client trying to use VL for a
>committed rate business class customer.
>The VL gear is a high quality product with a number of valuable features,
>but it is missing a few key items that keep it form performing well (or at
>all) as a committed rate business class solution.  Only reason for my post
>was because of your intended use of the VL product.
>Best and Merry Christmas!

Mike Cowan
Wireless Connections
A Division of ACC
166 Milan Ave
Norwalk, OH  44857

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Mike Cowan
Wireless Connections
A Division of ACC
166 Milan Ave
Norwalk, OH  44857

WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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