Kinda high
If you are lucky and you have access to fiber consider this

Cogent, if you buy a GigE port and commit to 200 megs, you can have it 
for $5.00 per meg, or minimum of $1,000.00 per month and that comes with 
a whopping 200 megs, if you need to exceed 200 megs, it's just $5.00 per 

If you get to $4,000 per month usage, then the price drops to $4.00 per meg.


Blair Davis wrote:
> Some simple numbers...
> $1700/month for 10Mbits.  Much better than the $600 per 1.54Mbit I was 
> paying out here.
> 1Mbit per Netflix or IPTV user.
> $170 cost of bandwidth per user.
> Users out here are not going to pay that.  Period.
> The problem, out in the rural areas at least, is not delivering the 
> bandwidth, it is getting it at a reasonable cost.
> These apps use an order of magnitude more bandwidth than the standard 
> web browsing and email apps we are used to.  But the users don't and 
> won't understand that.
> If you went to buy a new TV and it used an order of magnitude more power 
> to run it, your electric bill would soon show you the error of your ways.
> The only real solution to this problem is to move to per bit pricing.  
> That way, users will see the cost of what they are doing and adjust 
> their usage to what they are willing to pay for.
> Netflix, IPTV and other apps like them simply shift the their cost of 
> doing business to us.  Unless we either refuse to support these apps, or 
> begin billing our users for them, it will kill us.
> The cable and dsl providers are starting to figure this out.
> Blair
> Tom DeReggi wrote:
>>> Why is the wireless world happy with being 10 years behind the wired
>>> world?
>> Depends who you are referring by stating "wireless world".
>> The WISP providers are surely NOT "happy" with that.  They are just 
>> realistic about what they have available.
>> And they are creative enough to understand that there are still markets 
>> willing to deal with that, because WISPs have other things to offer of equal 
>> or greater value, to creat a WISP market.
>> I'm also not sure the public is "happy" with that. I haven't heard one 
>> public advocate at Broadband public meetings advocating "Please give money 
>> to wireless companies so we can have slower service".  Wireless will be a 
>> part of Stimulus grants because... We can argue we'll get you service 
>> sooner, and we'll stretch the dollar further to serve more areas and people, 
>> so less people get left without being served, and more people get better 
>> service than they currently have. In the long run, with Wireless, consumers 
>> will have to compromise for less, in exchange for the instant gratification 
>> that can be gained today.
>> WISPs deal with it because comparatively they are either broke, lazy, or 
>> impatient, in order to meet demand. Or I should say, don't want to end up 
>> broke.
>> I'm not meaning to be derogatory in using those terms. What I mean is...
>> Sure we'd all like to lay fiber.  We just don't want to wait 20 years for an 
>> ROI (impatient :-). We don't have millions and billions of Finance capabilty 
>> upfront (broke :-).
>> We don't want to spend years trying to get permits and negotiating easements 
>> with entities that care less about advancing our cause quickly (lazy :-).
>> The truth is Monopolies are willing to do all these things.  But they also 
>> grudgingly backout of their committments and delay as long as possible, 
>> because honestly they don't want to do it either, and are even more lazy, 
>> and clearly have all the time in the world, without competition forcing them 
>> to work harder.
>> The truth is, Wireless providers DO NEED faster equipment.  And the Truth 
>> is, we really aren't "lazy". (I was just kidding before :-)
>> So.... WiMax vendors,  Make us faster equipment!!! That we can Afford 
>> today!!!
>> There is a lot of grant money comming up this year. Here is your chance for 
>> volume orders, from the WISP market. Give us a reason to stay wireless 
>> providers and not to become a fiber provider. Backhaul transport providers 
>> are doing their part. But I think last mile manufacturers still have to do a 
>> better job. But more importantly give grant Decission makers a reason to 
>> favor wireless. Give them speeds that public advocates will be excited 
>> about. And give us price points that will let us do microcells to accomplish 
>> top penetration.  Wimax isn;t competing against wifi anymore, they are 
>> competing against fiber. I admit, Its a tall order to fill.  But I think 
>> clever innovators should be able to fill it.
>> $7 billion is not a lot to come anywhere close to helping "All" Americans 
>> get next generation broadband.  But $7 billion is a hech of a lot of money 
>> to inject into an ISP manufacturer industry. Lets just say $1 billion of it 
>> would go to Wireless infrastructure. Thats a lot of gear.  Lets start 
>> getting creative with those volume order low price offers? How low can you 
>> go to get a peice of that $billion?
>> Manufacturers, Let us know! The industry is writing their grant proposals 
>> now.
>> Tom DeReggi
>> RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
>> IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Kevin Suitor" <>
>> To: "WISPA General List" <>
>> Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009 3:23 PM
>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] 2nd Look @ 3.65 ?
>>> Folks,
>>> I seem to have too much time on my hands since I'm on vacation.  This
>>> thread prompted me to put a quick back of the napkin ROI analysis
>>> together to see which service options I'd want to be pushing on the
>>> market.
>>> What I did was review Bell Canada's service offer - why, because they
>>> offer Wireless, DSL & Fiber based Internet services in competition to
>>> Rogers Cable and Cogeco Cable (ON) and Videotron and Cogeco Cable(Qc)
>>> along with a variety of WISPs, satellite providers, in other words the
>>> entire spectrum of competition.  As many of you may know Canada ranks in
>>> the top 10 worldwide for broadband penetration according to the latest
>>> OECD rankings with 23.8% BB penetration, the United States ranked 15th
>>> with 19.6% penetration.
>>> I opted not to include their wireless offer in the model.  For the
>>> record their 512/512 Portable Internet service using an AC powered
>>> indoor CPE as the terminal device selling for $17.95/month; they offer a
>>> 2000/800 Rural service with either indoor or outdoor CPE beginning at
>>> $40/month; and a 3000/1000 Portable using the same indoor CPE as in the
>>> first offer.  All CPE are sold at $99 to the customer.
>>> What I've done is outline the UL/DL speeds, cost per month, and a
>>> sliding scale of oversubscription rates (actual rate used by Bell seems
>>> to be between 20 and 40 based upon historical data depending on take-up
>>> rate in an area.  This then generates a kbps / subscriber figure which
>>> was then divided into the capacity per sector (I'm using the average
>>> real world sector capacity from our worldwide base of 7 MHz RedMAX
>>> customers as reported by our Redline Management Suite application that
>>> we use to monitor production networks under a professional services
>>> agreement).  I then divided this by the avg kbps/client to calculate the
>>> maximum subscribers per sector.  I then took the peak subs multiplied by
>>> monthly ARPU to calculate the monthly and annual peak revenue stream per
>>> sector.  The required CAPEX per sector was calculated based upon a
>>> sector controller, shared common costs (GPS, UPS, tower climb, and other
>>> site acquisition costs - WW avg.) and the cost of the number of CPE
>>> required by the peak subscriber calculation.  The ROI in months is the
>>> CAPEX divided by the monthly ARPU.
>>> I've highlighted the sweet spot avg 18 month ROI lines in each model
>>> that indicates with between 19 and 229 subscribers, depending upon the
>>> SLA you'd be able to achieve and ROI acceptable to almost any financier
>>> using WiMAX.
>>> Cheers!
>>> Kevin
>>> NOTE: Modeled upon Bell Canada's Internet Service offer when using a
>>> WiMAX BTS to deliver the stated SLAs (all are best effort, residential
>>> services on a 7 MHz channel with mix of LOS and NLOS customers):
>>> Monthly Max Subs per
>>> Sector Monthly ARPU / Annual ARPU / Required CAPEX / ROI
>>> ARPU kbps Down kbps Up Total kbps Oversubscription
>>> kbps Required/Sub 16000 loaded sector loaded sector loaded
>>> sector (months)
>>> $    17.95 Essential 500 500 1000 40 25
>>> 640 $          11,488.00 $     137,856.00 $
>>> 300,750 26.17949
>>> $    27.95 Essential+ 2000 800 2800 40 70
>>> 229 $            6,388.57 $       76,662.86 $
>>> 115,607 18.09593
>>> $    37.95 Performance 7000 1000 8000 40 200
>>> 80 $            3,036.00 $       36,432.00 $
>>> 48,750 16.05731
>>> $    42.95 MAX10 10000 1000 11000 40 275
>>> 58 $            2,498.91 $       29,986.91 $
>>> 38,932 15.57953
>>> $    72.95 MAX16 16000 1000 17000 40 425
>>> 38 $            2,746.35 $       32,956.24 $
>>> 29,691 10.81113
>>> Monthly Max Subs per
>>> Sector Monthly ARPU / Annual ARPU / Required CAPEX / ROI
>>> ARPU kbps Down kbps Up Total kbps Oversubscription
>>> kbps Required/Sub 16000 loaded sector loaded sector loaded
>>> sector (months)
>>> $    17.95 Essential 500 500 1000 30 33
>>> 480 $            8,616.00 $     103,392.00 $
>>> 228,750 26.54944
>>> $    27.95 Essential+ 2000 800 2800 30 93
>>> 171 $            4,791.43 $       57,497.14 $
>>> 89,893 18.76118
>>> $    37.95 Performance 7000 1000 8000 30 267
>>> 60 $            2,277.00 $       27,324.00 $
>>> 39,750 17.45718
>>> $    42.95 MAX10 10000 1000 11000 30 367
>>> 44 $            1,874.18 $       22,490.18 $
>>> 32,386 17.28027
>>> $    72.95 MAX16 16000 1000 17000 30 567
>>> 28 $            2,059.76 $       24,717.18 $
>>> 25,456 12.35864
>>> Monthly Max Subs per
>>> Sector Monthly ARPU / Annual ARPU / Required CAPEX / ROI
>>> ARPU kbps Down kbps Up Total kbps Oversubscription
>>> kbps Required/Sub 16000 loaded sector loaded sector loaded
>>> sector (months)
>>> $    17.95 Essential 500 500 1000 20 50
>>> 320 $            5,744.00 $       68,928.00 $
>>> 156,750 27.28935
>>> $    27.95 Essential+ 2000 800 2800 20 140
>>> 114 $            3,194.29 $       38,331.43 $
>>> 64,179 20.09168
>>> $    37.95 Performance 7000 1000 8000 20 400
>>> 40 $            1,518.00 $       18,216.00 $
>>> 30,750 20.25692
>>> $    42.95 MAX10 10000 1000 11000 20 550
>>> 29 $            1,249.45 $       14,993.45 $
>>> 25,841 20.68175
>>> $    72.95 MAX16 16000 1000 17000 20 850
>>> 19 $            1,373.18 $       16,478.12 $
>>> 21,221 15.45365
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [] On
>>> Behalf Of Mike Hammett
>>> Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009 1:58 PM
>>> To: WISPA General List
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] 2nd Look @ 3.65 ?
>>> 2 megs is yesterday's news.
>>> U-Verse is 18/1.5
>>> FiOS is 50/20
>>> Charter has 60/5
>>> Comcast has 50/10
>>> 2 megs is 36 times faster than 56k.  Charter is 30 times faster than
>>> that.
>>> Why is the wireless world happy with being 10 years behind the wired
>>> world?
>>> -----
>>> Mike Hammett
>>> Intelligent Computing Solutions
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> From: "Kevin Suitor" <>
>>> Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009 10:42 AM
>>> To: "WISPA General List" <>
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] 2nd Look @ 3.65 ?
>>>> We have customers worldwide who operate sectors typically with
>>> hundreds
>>>> of residential clients with 2 Mbps downlink / 256 or 512 kbps uplink
>>> and
>>>> some with who run entry level service (by NA standards) of 384 kbps
>>>> downlink / 128 kbps uplink that have an average of 250 clients per
>>>> sector with 6 sectors per BTS in an urban market.
>>>> The WiMAX MAC is much more sophisticated than other MACs used in
>>>> wireless networking.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Kevin
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: []
>>> On
>>>> Behalf Of Mike Hammett
>>>> Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 2:20 PM
>>>> To: WISPA General List
>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] 2nd Look @ 3.65 ?
>>>> More troll than substance but I wouldn't put more than 30 users on a
>>>> WiMAX
>>>> AP anyway...  not enough bandwidth.
>>>> -----
>>>> Mike Hammett
>>>> Intelligent Computing Solutions
>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>> From: "Jeff Booher" <>
>>>> Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 11:28 AM
>>>> To: "'WISPA General List'" <>
>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] 2nd Look @ 3.65 ?
>>>>> It is not the same gear by any means. Tranzeo's AP is a micro base
>>>>> station,
>>>>> that only supports 30 subscribers.
>>>>> -
>>>>> Jeff
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: []
>>>> On
>>>>> Behalf Of Marlon K. Schafer
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 7:34 PM
>>>>> To: WISPA General List
>>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] 2nd Look @ 3.65 ?
>>>>> I'm certainly interested in ptmp.
>>>>> The Tranzeo gear is the same as Aperto isn't it?
>>>>> marlon
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Gino Villarini" <>
>>>>> To: "WISPA General List" <>
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 6:35 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] 2nd Look @ 3.65 ?
>>>>>> Ligowave its ptp in 3.65...
>>>>>> Might wanna look at tranzeo for 3.65 ptmp
>>>>>> Gino A. Villarini
>>>>>> Aeronet Wireless Broadband Corp.
>>>>>> tel  787.273.4143   fax   787.273.4145
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: []
>>>> On
>>>>>> Behalf Of Leon Zetekoff
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 9:32 PM
>>>>>> To: WISPA General List
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] 2nd Look @ 3.65 ?
>>>>>> Hi Marlon...I'd look at the Ligowave stuff similar in principle to
>>>> the
>>>>>> UBNT stuff but I think much better. That's what I'd do today.
>>>>>> Take care leon
>>>>>> Marlon K. Schafer wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm looking into this too.
>>>>>>> So far I can't find a solution for rural towers.  A 3 sector
>>> install
>>>>>>> at $20k?  Not to service the 20 people that will be able to even
>>> see
>>>>>>> that tower....
>>>>>>> Anyone have any better ideas?
>>>>>>> marlon
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "Gino Villarini" <>
>>>>>>> To: "Motorola Canopy User Group" <>; "WISPA
>>>> General
>>>>>> List"
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 7:55 AM
>>>>>>> Subject: [WISPA] 2nd Look @ 3.65 ?
>>>>>>>> Fellow operators:
>>>>>>>> Any updates on your experienes with 3.65 gear? PMP and PTP?
>>>>>>>> Any updates on experiences with:
>>>>>>>> Redline, Aperto, Tranzeo, Vecima, Alvarion, Ligowave, Solectek,
>>>>>>>> Airspan ???
>>>>>>>> Gino A. Villarini
>>>>>>>> Aeronet Wireless Broadband Corp.
>>>>>>>> tel  787.273.4143   fax   787.273.4145
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