Andrea Adami wrote:
> On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 4:37 PM, Stanislav Brabec <> wrote:
> > Hallo.
> >
> > I just tested the latest angstrom image (built by myself).
> >
> > I seen following regressions in comparison with 2.6.26:
> >
> > - While booting from SD card, I seen kernel panic several times, but did
> > not have serial cable attached. I am not able to reproduce it any more,
> > even if I try to do the same. I only remember mmc_blk_issue_rw_rq at the
> > end of the screen. Did anybody else seen it.
> >
> Usually issues only booting from CF. IIRC spitz crashes on first
> reboot after kernel flashing if power cable is attached ??

Well, my home built USB cable to 500mA USB was attached. I tested it
later on battery or original power supply. Yes, it may be a reason of
these crashes. I'll retry with the weak USB power plug. (I never seen
weak-power-supply-crash with 2.6.26-RP).

> > - I was not able to return from suspend (boot from SD, no reaction on
> > On/Off press). I even suspect that my Zaurus seems to be warmer that it
> > should be. Maybe CPU is not sleeping?
> >
> This seems to work (angstrom-console-image)

Yes, it works, but not every time.

> > - Xfbdev lack touchscreen support (libts does not understand the latest
> > input device). I did not test Xorg yet.
> >
> > - tskeys are running at 100% CPU time (known bad design).
> Surely there are issues with tskeys/touchscreen....see logs

Good thing happened and now it works again in the OE image built
yesterday from scratch. (Both tskeys and Xfbdev+tslib touchscreen.)

And yet another good news: Xorg requires much less memory than a year
ago. Fine tuning enabled modules may probably improve the number even a
bit more. I already have a nice XKB keymap with two keymap switching
hotkey, CapsLock support. I want to finish F-key support.

> spitz ->

I see no sound as well - probably misconfiguration.

> > - HDD LED seems to not work.
> Hdd not yet tested

HDD works, just the LED does not. Tested with the OE kernel. I'll retry
with my custom .config file. It also enables more USB drivers.

Stanislav Brabec

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