
Is that "greed" to be united with the Beloved - or are we compelled?


From: salik888 <>
Sent: Mon, 13 September, 2010 2:35:23
Subject: [Zen] Rumi -- Jewels of Remembrance

The Beloved has blocked every escape 

Friends, the Beloved has blocked every escape:
we are lame deer and He a prowling lion.
Cornered by a fierce and bloodthirsty lion
what is there to do but surrender?
This Beloved, like the sun, neither sleeps nor eats:
He makes souls sleepless and hungry,
saying, "Come, be Me, or one with Me in nature,
so when I unveil Myself, you may behold My Face.
And if you had not beheld it,
how would you have become so distraught?
You were earth, and now
you long to be quickened with spiritual life."
Already the Beloved has bestowed gifts
from that world of spacelessness,
otherwise why would your spiritual eye keep gazing there?


Ay rafiqân râh-hâ-râ bast Yâr
âhu-ye langim va U shir-e shekâr
Joz keh taslim o rezâ ku châreh-'i
dar kaff-e shir-e nari khun khvâreh-'i
U na-dârad khvâb o khvor chon âftâb
ruh-hâ-râ mi konad bi khvord o khvâb
Keh "Biyâ Man bâsh yâ ham ham khu-ye Man
tâ be-bini dar tajalli Ru-ye Man
Var na-didi chon chonin shaydâ shodi
khâk budi tâleb-e ehyâ shodi"
Gar ze bi suyet na-dâdast U `alaf
cheshm-e jânet chon be-mândast ân taraf

-- Mathnawi VI: 576-581
Version by Camille and Kabir Helminski
Rumi: Jewels of Remembrance
Threshold Books, 1996
Persian transliteration courtesy of Yahyá Mona


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