
As you are both gaijin, it is difficult to argue with you on the real meaning 
of shikantaza, unless you live in China for ten years. 

Dogen zenji is partially right in saying, "shikantaza i.e. resting in a state 
of brightly alert attention that is free of thoughts, directed to no object, 
and attached to no particular content" But the 'resting in a state...' is what 
you get using the act of shikantaza. So language wise, the 'i.e' is incorrect. 
However, Dogen can be excused, as zen is not logical.

Dogen also says, by the way, that zen meditation has no focus. On the other 
hand, meditation with objects or events are  characteristics of Theravada's 
samadhi and vipassana.

Date: Wednesday, 8 December, 2010, 3:04 PM



"According to Dogen Zenji, shikantaza i.e. resting in a state of brightly alert 
attention that is free of thoughts, directed to no object, and attached to no 
particular content—is the highest or purest form of zazen, zazen as it was 
practiced by all the buddhas of the past."  (Wikipedia)
--- In, <billsm...@...> wrote:
> Anthony,
> This is why I keep digging in on this. Shikantaza can NOT be confused, 
> daydreaming or full of lust. Single-minded sitting could not be confused or 
> daydreaming, but it could be single-mindedly focuses on lust or any other 
> object. Shikantaza is not sitting single-mindedly focused on an object. The 
> mind is clear, not full of or occupied with an object.
> ...Bill!





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