I think that every Arab nation would drive Israel into the sea if they
could, and it is the aid of US Jews and other Americans that continue to
make that impossible.  Were any nation to set up an effective blockade
preventing Israel from doing any trade with other nations, it would become
very weak over time.  And then its Arab neighbors could prevail against

I had understood what you were saying as Israel is simply doing our
bidding. Yes, our support is helping Israel stay alive, but I think that
the Arab's understand that we don't call the shots. That means (at least to
me) that while the Palestinians don't really like us, their real hatred is
for Israel - not like the Osama bin Laden crowd which hates us because we
have somehow fouled their holy land.

If this true, then Arabs rightly think that the USA is standing between
them and victory over Israel.  That would make every anti-Israeli Arab an
anti-American.  I don't think we can make a meaningful distinction between
anti-American terrorists and anti-Israeli terrorists.

True, but I think it is a matter of degrees. The Palestinians hate the
Israelis first, and us only because we support Israel. Osama bin Laden
hates us for living, and could really care less about the problems with

And I though that President Bush had declared a War on Terrorism rather
than a War on the Taliban, or a War on Al-Qaeda.  Does this mean that if
there is terrorism in Europe or some other part of the world that we are
not going to respond against it with the same vigor we are showing against
these Islamic nations?  If so, that proves that this so-called War on
Terrorism is really just a War on Whomever President Bush Doesn't Like.
There is terrorism going on all over the globe.  Maybe we should put an end
to it somewhere else just to get our morale up for the War on Iraqi
Terrorism.  A little victory in this war would sure buoy my spirits.  How
about you?

I would have a problem with the global wording also, except that he also
said that this would be a _long_ war; with the immediate focus being on
those who were part of the 9/11 attacks.
Go back to WWII. Why did we focus the majority of our resources on Europe
when Japan attacked us first? Because it was believed that Hitler was a
more immediate serious threat than was Japan. Once we eliminate the
Al-queda network then we can pay more attention to the others. But since
Al-queda was behind the direct attacks, they get the majority of our

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