At 03:48 PM 9/26/02 -0700 Dan R Allen favored us with:
>I would have a problem with the global wording also, except that he also
>said that this would be a _long_ war;

In other words a war we have no intention of winning.  Sounds like pretty
tricky language to me.

No, the intent is there, but the realization is that this is not going to
be the kind of war that will make for great network ratings. This war is
already being fought on multiple fronts: most of which are deemed too
boring for the talking heads to even talk about. For example, they are
still tracking the money trails. While everyone is focused on the mideast,
there are troops in Indonesia working on terrorist cells there.
This is not a war that will be won solely with guns; at some point the
cause of the hatred will need to be addressed, but first we need to make
sure that those who are capable of hitting us today are gone. It will be a
long process, probably multi-generational since it is all based on
irrational hatred that is taught from an early age.

>with the immediate focus being on
>those who were part of the 9/11 attacks.
>Go back to WWII. Why did we focus the majority of our resources on Europe
>when Japan attacked us first? Because it was believed that Hitler was a
>more immediate serious threat than was Japan. Once we eliminate the
>Al-queda network then we can pay more attention to the others. But since
>Al-queda was behind the direct attacks, they get the majority of our

John W. Redelfs                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Trying is the first step toward failure." --Homer Simpson
"All my opinions are tentative pending further data." --JWR


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