Let's see: 17 of 19 hijackers in the WTC were Saudis. Osama Bin Laden's
father owns the largest construction firm in Saudi Arabia. The official
Saudi news organization condemns the US, and calls the suicide bombers,

The actual problem isn't that the Saudi head prince is against the US.
The problem is (and this is true with many of the Arab nations) that they
have severe economic and political struggles. Rather than have the poor
and struggling mad at the crown prince, they divert people's anger
towards the West and Israel. In this way, they don't risk losing their
power to a democracy; and they don't have to fix the problems.

So we get an unofficial/official support of Western aggression.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smith    gszion1 @juno.com    http://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

At 01:11 PM 9/26/02 -0700 Dan R Allen favored us with:
>I'm aware that there is Saudi support for much of the Palestinian
>terrorism, but do you have any evidence that they have been supporting
>anti-American terrorism? 

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