You make it sound like these jobs were handed to them on a silver
platter. Not so. They all started at the bottom, with no silver spoon in
the mouth. Any money the GAs have, they earned it. Any education they
received was from hard work. 

Do you think any of them had been wishing and hoping to become an
apostle? Definitely not. Try reading President Kimball's biography on his
reaction when called as an apostle. Ask your stake president his thoughts
on being called a stake president. I'll bet he wasn't jumping for joy.
Rather, he was humbling submitting to the calling.

There is nothing prestigious to these callings. There is some
recognition, but in all reality, the pay isn't that great. Most would
prefer to make it to heaven without the experience of being an apostle or
stake president, but the humble ones accept the call when given.

These men are successful in life because they earned their success. In
earning that success, they made themselves useful to God and His work. Of
course God is probably going to call an educated man over a ditch digger.
If you had a major struggle in your life, would you prefer your bishop be
a psychiatrist or a day laborer? Educated or illiterate? Financially
comfortable or standing by the roadside with a sign "will work for food"?

God uses those who have qualified themselves for the work. Many are
called, but few chosen. Many aren't chosen because they try and do things
their way, rather than God's way. They want to use the priesthood for
their own use, rather than make themselves a useful tool for God to use.

The Brethren had comfortable lives because they earned a comfortable
life. The prestige came only because they worked hard and earned it. If
you or I don't receive prestige, it is probably because we haven't done
anything prestigious.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smith    gszion1    http://www
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