Philipp von Weitershausen schrieb:
I'm not so sure that this is such a good thing. ZPT seems to enforce
*guidelines* that not everyone might want to follow (e.g. if I want to
output my XHTML as c14n or something similar). For me, ZPT's HTML mode
just does too many things, most of which won't hurt to be the template
author's responsibility. I definitely consider <br/> vs. <br /> one of them.

You have different use cases, obviously. For me, HTML mode is a good thing including <br/> to <br /> conversion. (I don't like to write <br /> all the time, all our web pages are served as text/html for non-XHTML browsers like MSIE, and we follow the compatibility guidelines from the XHTML standard).

I agree that it should be possible to trigger XML mode without the prolog for use cases like yours.


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