Tarek Ziadé wrote:
Before starting it up, I was thinking that it would be nice if the whole
Z3 community would be using the same toolkit, and maybe, even integrate
it into Z3 itself.

I think that instead of settling one a single toolkit we should come up with some simple ideas for offering up server-side components for the client to use. That way we can easier to use (almost) any client-side toolkit with Zope 3.

If this sounds like a good Idea, I would like to start a Z3 proposal on
this topic, and contribute on its integration in Z3.

I'm very interested in coming up with a one or more relatively simple server-side proposals to make Ajax stuff easier, but I think the Ajax stuff (and even the whole JavaScript world) is too immature to settle on one client-side implementation. Therefore we should concentrate on doing things that help most or all of the JS toolkits be more usable with Z3.
Benji York
Senior Software Engineer
Zope Corporation
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